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Yup, the CCP is on par with a comic book villain...



It Connects With Your Brain…

There's a maxim from Sun Tzu, the military strategist who wrote The Art of War, that has stood the test of time: "'to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill." Well that's exactly what the Chinese Communist Party is doing by developing weapons that connect to your brain. In this episode of China Uncensored, we look at China's brain weapons, how it hopes to use them in war, and why the US is so concerned about this. YouTube demonetizes our channels, we need your support! https://www.patreon.com/ChinaUncensored https://chinauncensored.locals.com We also accept bitcoin! https://chinauncensored.tv/bitcoin And Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=GAHZXYHGCBP3L Buy our merchandise! https://chinauncensored.tv/merchandise China Uncensored on Odysee https://odysee.com/@ChinaUncensored China Uncensored on Rumble https://rumble.com/c/ChinaUncensored Make sure to share this video with your friends! ______________________________ Subscribe for updates: youtube.com/ChinaUncensored?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: https://facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Instagram: https://instagram.com/ChinaUncensored And check out the China Unscripted podcast! https://youtube.com/chinaunscripted #China ______________________________ © All Rights Reserved.


Ian Pendleton

Have you and your team in general, and Shelley in particular, ever faced any harassment or threats as a result of your work on China Uncensored? If so, what do you think the odds are that at least some of them came from pro-CCP lackeys and trolls?