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Currently working on the pilot episode! Patrons will be the first to see. Hope you enjoy it when it comes out!


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Looking forward to seeing it!

Joe King

Chris: here's one I replied to a viewer of your channel on YouTube, it's long and angry but perhaps interesting to you Matt and Shelley for its big pictureism?

Joe King

 @doresearchstopwhining  our responses were censored but, what?! You are referencing all those mainstream media stories that turned out to be false? Have you been getting research done by watching Jimmy Kimmel?? C'mon man, well over half the country believes that 20' tally was bogus, I for one question it on the statistical anomalies alone.. while the epoch folks questioned it from a biased perspective, namely why are digital elections run on machines 100% made in [giant Asian nation I cannot name on this platform or the post disappears], along with the counters and routers, all soon after the same tools led to its friend Moon's South Korean election in 2015, condemned and protested by the left and right of that nation, and why would said totalitarian dictatorship pay immensely over market value for the privilege of making such machines, if it openly condemns democracy.. but again, that's on them to question from their perspective, where my view from within a swing state may also be biased, by Zuckerberg and friends having $900 million spent similarly to "fortify" the process in ours plus four other often razor thin margin states? That's all ignoring the unprecedented use of mail in ballots for a pandemic that's origin question has all but been eliminated (and which Epoch had dead right with Joshua Phillips epic April 2020 report, years before the FBI agreed), and with Zuckerberg asking [unnameable dictator] to name his child just before all that, or Klaus's kid's marriage into the [unnameable dictatorship mafia organization of 500 families] and then immediately opening a wef office there just as all this began, add associated strange details that weren't covered by Chris because they aren't verifiable, well.. when compared to mainstream press coverage, seems pretty unbiased to me. If your only example is being questioned by most people now, and the channel has been shadow banned and demonetized from the first day of the new regime, along with the need to use code words if critical... add that the new regime has Clinton holdovers like Susan Rice and John Podesta in positions of immense power, transferring 100s of billions of tax dollars directly to said dictatorship for cheap garbage "renewable energy" products made by slaves (on subscription since unrecyclable), and those holdovers were themselves involved with the Bill and Hillary corruption machine, itself tied heavily to said dictatorship, and with Wal-Mart helping (7 Walton kids were soon 7 wealthiest people in the world as thanks) from back when the Clintons helped force said dictatorship's entry into the World Trade Organization, forced the sale of nuclear missile targeting tech (Loral corp), and forced the Pentagon to give tours of aircraft carriers to visiting elite said dictatorship generals, does it seem right to question how events unfolded, or is that just a long rambling right wing talking point? Consider Hillary's $5 billion dollar "philanthropy" while sec of state 🙄and her husbands almost thirty visits to Einstein island (have to deliberately misspell that one too) and the long list of strange deaths attributed to their proximity, including several recent ones, as research into Ron Brown's strange Enron trip/death, directly verified by Croatians that moved here after that war (the one Bill oversaw which made Russia an enemy). Then consider how Bills speech at the NAFTA signing ceremony (Bush senior's hard faught legislation that took 3 years to organize just before he was ousted), Bill mentioned China twice as much as either Mexico or Canada, and in a highly questionable manner. Consider it, research it, whine about it, I don't care, I wrote it out hoping Chris will do a deeper dive on how glaring this timeline is in regards to recent events, and the current attack on the anti-totalitarian US Constitution / literature (such as JR Tolkien and George Orwell). Which is particularly incensing since it taught me to read!