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Of all the people who deserve to be put behind bars in China, this kid was not one of them.


Chinese Teen Sentenced to Life For Buying Toy Guns?! | China Uncensored

A Chinese teen gets life in prison for buying toy guns. China may have taken gun control a little too far. Contribute! Join the China Uncensored 50-Cent Army! https://www.patreon.com/ChinaUncensored Subscribe for more episodes! https://www.youtube.com/NTDChinaUncensored Make sure to share with your friends!



Your total is climbing well, hopefully you can find a new platform or raise enough money on here and be advert free on YouTube. Never pledged to anyone before and I'll probably will never do it again, but I'd miss your videos, it had to be done.


he must of been found to have special blood and our genetic qualities.. gotta get them organs/medical experimental subjects somehow.