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Is it too late to stop China from taking over the world?



How to Stop China From Taking Over the World | Anders Corr

China has increasingly been weaponizing its people, economy, and international influence to shift the global nexus of power from the US to itself. In this episode of China Uncensored, we discuss how to stop China from taking over the world, how China is concentrating its power, and how China compares to the Soviet Union. Our guest on this episode is Anders Corr, the publisher of the Journal of Political Risk and principal at Corr Analytics. He’s also the author of the new book The Concentration of Power: Institutionalization, Hierarchy, and Hegemony. China Unscripted interview with Anders: No. 145 Will China Take Over the World? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2X7NxOsAF0 The Concentration of Power: Institutionalization, Hierarchy, and Hegemony. https://www.optimumpublishinginternational.com/shop/the-concentration-of-power-e-book-7sg23 YouTube demonetizes our channels, we need your support! https://www.patreon.com/ChinaUncensored https://chinauncensored.locals.com We also accept bitcoin! https://chinauncensored.tv/bitcoin Buy our merchandise! https://chinauncensored.tv/merchandise Make sure to share this video with your friends! ______________________________ Subscribe for updates: youtube.com/ChinaUncensored?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: https://facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Instagram: https://instagram.com/ChinaUncensored And check out the China Unscripted podcast! https://youtube.com/chinaunscripted ______________________________ © All Rights Reserved.



Hi Chris, I was wondering if you could ask your 50 cent army to like the Global Times on FB and give me some backup when I trigger the PLA bots?


Important question: Has the People's Republic of China transformed into a right-wing fascist state after they converted into Capitalism in the 1990s? It seems to me the CCP's Communist label is no longer correct, the CCP is right-wing state with no social safety net like the USSR had . In the 1940s the world defined the left-wing as being exemplified by the examples of the USSR and Mao's CCP and the right-wing was as exemplified by Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. It can be argued that CCP crossed the political spectrum from left to right when Communist China accepted Capitalism, today China is a right-wing fascist state. It seems that the CCP follows the fascist definition to the letter; nationalism, heavily regulated capitalism, war mongers, expansionists, selling body parts, like Nazi Germany did. CCP's China is a one party system with a dictator for life, concentration camps, religious persecution, militarism, a Han Chinese master race, with the goal of world domination, racism with "White Monkeys" teaching capitalist skills. The American leftists still think that having the CCP as a model for Americas future is taking the US to the left when, the CCP is more like Germany was in 1939. Of course the CCP is more clever than Hitler was by using Sun Tzu's concepts, bribing US politicians is cheaper than sending the People's Liberation Army to Washington. The future is anyone's guess, soon the CCP may burn down the whole world, not to mention the United States.