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Captain Jim Fanell is the Former Director of Intelligence and Information Operations for the U.S. Pacific Fleet. He really knows his stuff. Enjoy the podcast!



#131 China’s Behind-the-Scenes Maneuvering in Afghanistan | Jim Fanell

China has been closely watching the U.S. pullout of Afghanistan and is using it to make the case to Taiwan that the U.S. won’t come to its aid when ( not “if”) China invades it. It's also looking at what it can do to replace the U.S. in the region. Joining us in this episode of China Unscripted is Jim Fanell, a retired U.S. Naval Intelligence officer who specialized in Indo-Asia Pacific security affairs, with an emphasis on the Chinese navy and its operations. Don't forget to subscribe to the channel! youtube.com/channel/UCvr1DclUsRzNYXWOWJ7eVLQ?sub_confirmation=1 And check out our other channel China Uncensored: youtube.com/channel/UCgFP46yVT-GG4o1TgXn-04Q Our social media: Twitter: twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Instagram: instagram.com/ChinaUncensored


Earl Tower

The PRC are lead by true imperial opportunist. If they succeed in subverting to Taliban firmly into the PRC's sphere of influence, that will give the CCP tentative control from the Korean Peninsula to the Persian Gulf. Now the real question: Will the PRC attempt to induct Afghanistan in to the Shanghai Cooperative Organization as a full member instead of just a observer status?


Worse still, if the CCP were to convince the Taliban to form some sort of Communist govt "with Islamic characteristics" as Chris might say or sharia, it would organize them into a welcome peer. The Taliban have already said they would not stop fighting until the whole world is under a fundamentalist sharia law. Sounds similar to the CCP.