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Honestly I'm jealous of the attention Greta is getting from the Global Times...



Chinese Media Fat-Shames Greta Thunberg!

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg is criticizing China and the Chinese Communist Party for carbon emissions and rampant pollution. And now Chinese state run media the Global Times and Editor Hu Xijin are attacking Greta, including fat shaming her. How dare you?! YouTube demonetizes our channels! We need your support!! https://www.patreon.com/ChinaUncensored We also accept bitcoin! http://www.chinauncensored.tv/bitcoin/ Make sure to share this video with your friends! ______________________________ Subscribe for updates: https://www.youtube.com/ChinaUncensored?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Instagram: http://instagram.com/ChinaUncensored or check out the China Unscripted Podcast! https://youtube.com/chinaunscripted ______________________________ © All Rights Reserved.


Ryan Thornton

Now, how long before the shills come out with videos shaming her, they could have more clout than the CCP mouthpiece.Don't worry Chris the CCP will come to shame you later, for now they just use Youtube (they are secretly blocking/screening you and other activist for a better surveillance program to sell to China for a knock off Youtube) to hinder you. Good analysis of CCP tactics to discredit people who tell the truth about them and their activities.


Wait... you WERE kidding though at the end, being upset for not being idolized like her, right? Come on Chris make your sarcastic tone clearer LOL