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This performed terribly on YouTube, but it's a super important topic!




Victoria Marie Van_Dyke

Relative2the SeaSeePee, EyAye, & their QuanTome Kumquatting capabilities, if I didn't know better I'd say that it appeared as if, could folks just be a wee tad spooked... maybe? 🤔 More than a few folks appear to have exited debate forums due to the quite volatile 'climate' unfriendly to reasoned debate nowadays &so, folks now minimal socMedja. I mean, the other day on 'X' in TRENDING was the headliner #DeathToAmerica, but not long after it appeared, it was gone; and, only the #FreePalest... was still TRENDING... Sounds as if cousin & folk generally wondering what's next after Iran launched fairly large attack upon Israel and didn't channel BLEEP through proxies this time. And, there's all that military hardware BuyDone left in Afghan'n that's making its' way to proxies & who knows WHERE? Chi? Russ? Iran? MexCartels? Tunnels undr US southern border? ✅ spooked ⏬ bridge/port ⏬ ⏫ energy costs ⏫ ⏫ food prices⏫ ⏫ War rumored? ⏫foodDisruptions? 👀gridVulnerable? 👀web/CommsDisrupt? 👀another Pundemick just in time4 election? 👀CCPea jumps Taiwan? 👀GotAways&(?)attack? And sadly, one truly could go on & on for a good bit. Pray daily, as do you, that Chinese people throw off the SeaSeePea and walk free. However, the mindnumbing nature of pervasive AaaEye channels your bleep quickly where you weren't trying to go AND it's ALL just TAYLORED FOR YOU, news & movies it wants you to... Even 'X' doesn't let u get to raw ALL news minus some fussing around. And, I cannot afford A LA CARTE news & absolutely LOVED TWITTER for news bites from legacy etc news. NYT used to allow you to read FOUR full articles per month. Now the way algorithms work, I barely see the Indep, pod, news talk people that I follow. It's ridiculous. Point being... Young folks not overly into it, and older folks concerned that they may be target by slamOh fascists; so, free time maybe directed towards getting the vote out and saving Constitutional Republic! Hang in there. Just added your Patreon subscrip. Yep. Creeeepy times are upon us. There's allegedly (what was it i heard?) some 30,000+/- SeaSeeP GOTAWAYS over southern border...?!! BLEEPing BLEEP!!! =========== Sheesh! That said... ======= Everyone be safe and GOD BLESS YOU! & GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Ben Lee

I'm not happy they rigged Canada's election, but then I don't think they're happy with the results either. Boy, did they bet on the wrong horse with Trudeau, that idiot. 😂