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Thinkin of all the lonely homies on this dreary friday night in cyberspace.

Peace everyone.



I feel that bro. pretty much everyone I know is having a tough time lately. feels like a crisis of humanity. take care


Love your content man. I'm going through a lot of shit right now and this one made me feel like maybe I'm not so alone. Thanks for that. I think we all yearn for simpler times.


Man that hits home and I understand it because of how shity everything feels lately


that’s not a chip


How are you reading my mind so accurately?


It’s nice to see another artist that actually expresses this strange phenomenon we all are collectively feeling. The internet has allowed us to be so much more creative and free yet it feels like we had to sacrifice a degree of freedom and innocence for that. The algorithms are designed to keep us coming back for more when really we only need about a couple minutes to get new info. Feels like we’re the Guinea pigs for this stage in internet and technology. Maybe we just drew a bad hand…. I’m gonna go touch some grass and hope you all do as well


Humans and companies made socializing a stress inducing shit show of advertising and rushing around. Expecting humans to go faster than their physical bodies can take them, and people working them selves to the bone for little to no reward for their effort, causing increased stress less sleep less time to have fun, spending their time off work recovering from work rather than exploring their social and creative muscles. Whats that? you have two days off work per week? and you spend them cleaning and shopping for resources to live the next week of work?


Maybe we met in line at at blockbuster whilst our dads tried to hit up the video girl, staring awkwardly at the Rambo cardboard cutout trying to pretend we weren't there. Or perhaps we crossed paths at Luna Park crashing into each other on the dodgem cars. It's been a long while brother, may your next McFlurry have twice the Oreo cookies.


James Lee's Ruminations on Existence. There's an audience for this. Maybe an inebriated one but an audience nonetheless.


I want a whole series of James just talking to me one sidedly like I'm hisbbest friend. I'd pay a whole dollar for five minutes of that.


I know that feel, bro. Life is stranger and stranger these days, more disconnected, you know? And some times, it seems like the only thing we can do is distract ourselves. I appreciate your work, bro. All the way back since Tarboy.


that Oreo McFlurry sound'n pretty good right about now ngl