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And on the 7th day, he napped.

I'm not one who naps often, but my flatmate (who will remind me that he is 2 months OLDER than me at the drop of a hat) has oft advocated that any time I feel like I want to nap, I should take said nap. Usually, I am dismissive of this sort of nonsense. Today, however, I took the bait, and after an hour or two of staring angrily at a keyboard that couldn't seem to find any words that I liked, I went back upstairs, laid my head down and promptly fell asleep for almost three hours in the middle of the day.

So yeah.

I'm partway through QT: Phil's Tale 19 and that'll be the next thing to drop, as soon as I can get it done. Tomorrow, probably. 

I spent part of yesterday watching "American Fiction," with Jeffrey Wright in it, and I know that anything other than "Oppenheimer" winning an Oscar is, at this point, a long shot, Wright has put one of the most accurate depictions of being a writer onto screen that I've ever seen, and the film is remarkable. The book it's based on ends on a rather ambiguous note, and the movie it's based on sort of is too, but in a different way that I'd expected. It's well worth taking the time to see the movie. I'm also going to go see "Dune: Part Two" probably tomorrow, because while I know how the story ends (I've read the book, seen the Lynch version AND seen the Sci-Fi [or I guess, SyFy now, sigh] miniseries) but I enjoyed the first one a great deal, and it really is best seen on the big screen. I'll probably go see the last show of the day, because it's a three-hour flick, and when I see that big of a film that late at night, I have a theater to myself, which is all for the best...

QT2:21 also introduced a big twist, and yet, let me tell you, I'm just getting started. There's big things coming down the pipeline and by the time we reach the end of QT2:25, I have a feeling people are going to ask me to slow down. If you felt like I've been doing a lot of table setting over the first part of Book Two, that's fair, even though we've had loads of plot development along the way. 

The next few months are gonna blow your tiny minds... ;)

Here's the upcoming public release schedule: 3/2 - Before The Storm 8; 3/9 - QT2:13, 3/16 - QTPT 14; 3/24 - QT:AA4, Neon Stonehenge 1, 3/30 - Morgana's Gift 17, 4/6 - A Pack Of His Own 6.


Cynthia Parker

I loved the twist to quaranteam and I know it will just keep getting better. Once you are caught up on your commissions I hope we will get more quaranteam chapters per month

Corrupting Power

With the exception of January, it's been pretty consistent at 2 chapters of the main QT story per month, and January was only one because Ch. 20s are always so damn big...

Cynthia Parker

Quaranteam is in my top 10 favorite book series of all time and am being greedy about it but I also love seeing what happened behind the scenes in Phil's tale