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Welcome from Paradise, folks. I'm officially somewhere warm and sunny and so far it's been delightful. I had rum in almost everything I drank yesterday and this morning debating whether I put on shorts today or not.

As expected, I'm getting some writing done along the way, but we will see how it cranks along. I ended up sleeping 12 hours last night to try and adjust to the time zone (in addition to barely getting any sleep the night before) so I'm doing what I can to write fun ideas down into stories as I can, but I'm also on an actual vacation, so I appreciate everyone's patience. Maybe I'll post more pictures as I go.

I dropped the first chapter of the new commissioned spinoff, Quaranteam: Unbroken Mold, to alpha levels yesterday, which is the last commission I agreed to take before closing them off for a while, and as the commissioner can attest to, I'm very finicky about the commissions I'll allow within the QT-verse, but there were enough interesting ideas that I could work with that I'm intrigued to see what other people make of it as it comes along.

The overwhelming suggestion for the next QT Intermission was to see Operation Funnel Cake at work, but to see both sides of it, so this intermission will be a bit different than people will be used to. That's coming later in the  month.

Also, I'm working on the next chapter of Before The Storm, which won out for the poll, and will be hopefully appearing on Friday, but we'll see, as vacation is as vacation does.

Public release schedules continues undiminished, those'll still be happening while I'm gone. Here's that current schedule: 2/10 - QT2:11; 2/17 - QT2:12; 2/24 - CARP 6; 3/2 - Before The Storm 8; 3/9 - QT2:13, 3/16 - QTPT 14.



Very nice place to vacation. I may have been 2 sitting at the same table 2 days before the Japanese earthquake and tsunami caused some damage on the street.


Looks like Kailua-Kona, HI


I obviously missed something back there somewhere. I’ve seen several references to Operation Funnel Cake, But I have no idea what it is and going back I can’t find anything about it. Can you please enlighten me a bit?

Corrupting Power

Operation Funnel Cake is from Phil's Tale, and it's the official name for the operation where the US is trading what they consider "lesser quality men" for "higher quality women," at a very imbalanced exchange rate (1:8-20), in order to get skilled/educated/desirable women into the US and to send less than stellar American men to foreign countries, mostly to act as breeding studs.

Red Devil

Samara Costa Rica?