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So I've just tossed up Threadbinders 5 and will endeavor to get C.A.R.P. 2 up as soon as possible, but it might be the end of the weekend. We'll see. My vacation is getting a little bit of an early start as my best and oldest friend shows up for a couple of weeks to hang out starting tomorrow. That said, I'll have my laptop with me, and there's points where he's got other things going on, so I will definitely be writing some of the time. I might be able to knock out CARP 2 tonight, but I also still have some commissions left to get done, which may just turn into double-stuffed commissions before the end of the month. (We've got some very big cooldown days around Thanksgiving planned, so maybe I'll be able to get big chunks in then.) I've gotten a start on CARP 2 already, so I'll just sort of be winging it for the next few weeks.

I'll also be throwing up QT: McCallister's Madness 3 at some point during next week. It's basically done with a few minor revisions and tweaks, and I'll throw it up probably around middle of next week, so I'm not entirely radio silent during the holidays. The plan is still to return on 11/29 with Brewster's Brood 24 and starting up Quaranteam: Book Two on 12/2, which is not going to start at all how anyone thinks it's going to. I'm also throwing up the poll today for What Am I Writing? - 12/9. Remember, if you're interested in voting in those polls, they're for tiers 4 and up, and they decide two of my story drops each month. Most of the last few have been decided by a single vote.

For 12/6, we're going to return to Seven Secrets of Mr. Magpie, which I had planned to do this month, but what can I say -- it's been a very crazy back half of the year for me, and I appreciate the patience. (Also, welcome to all the new folks who've shown up this month! Glad to have you here!)

Anyway, you should all take care of yourselves over Thanksgiving. This year, I'll be spending it with my best and oldest friend, having spent most of the last decade on my own for this particular holiday. Have a good time and try to eek a little joy out of it.

Public releases for the next month are gonna be something like: 11/19 - QTPP 4, 11/26 - QT48, 12/3 - QTPP 5, 12/10 - IIH 12, 12/17 - QT49. (It's worth noting here that the public release of QT50 isn't scheduled until the end of February, so if you're a free reader who's eagerly waiting, you might consider signing up for a month, just to read the Book One finale sooner than then. It's available to patrons now!)


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