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Very very short update this week, as I'm prepping for my road trip starting tomorrow morning, trying to get as much done before I go as I can. I'll have my laptop with me and will be working at points along the way, but nowhere near as much as I normally do. I'll have the Halloween story up Friday or Saturday, and next Tuesday will have the first chapter of another new piece that's been selected. 

Lots to do, no time to do it in. By next Wednesday, I'll have a much better handle on what I'm still behind on and what I'm caught up on. Trying to as much as I can, but we'll see where that gets me.

Public releases for the next month are: 10/29 - QT 47, 11/5 QTPT 9, 11/12 - If I'm Honest 11, 11/19 - QTPP 4, 11/26 - QT48, 12/3 - QTPP 5.


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