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So hopefully everyone enjoyed Quaranteam: Piper's Prelude Part 1, which dropped yesterday for Patrons. As I said in the beginning, it's part one of five, and I'm most of the way finished with the second part now, which will go to the Commissioner in the next day or so and will be out for Patrons next month after revisions.

Along with that, Quaranteam: Phil's Tale Chapter 6 is on the docket for either 4/15 or 4/16. Call it 50/50 odds right now, because I want to finish one thing before moving on to the next, and because Piper's Prelude 2 will show people something they've been asking for during much of the QT run, so it's important to get it right. 

In looking at 4/19, there's a big blank spot on my calendar right now, and I'm thinking I'm going to do something new for that day, something completely unattached to anything else I've done so far. I'm not sure what that's going to be yet, but I have a few ideas still kicking around my head that haven't been touched, so we'll see what comes out of me on that day.

The VIP voters have chosen that 4/22 will be another chapter in If I'm Honest, and I'm sure everyone's curious how Deke's going to get along in his new reality post the event of IIH9. Keep in mind, IIH is likely about halfway through that particular storyline, so I don't want to go through all of it too fast. 

The rest of the month is plotted out with Brewster's Brood 14 on 4/26 and Quaranteam 42 on 4/29. That also means expect polls to start turning up soon for who's going to get a scene in next month's BB and QT as well as the profiles on them as characters. 

Here's the public release schedule for the next month: 4/16 - Janus Coins: John's Story 2, 4/23 - Morgana's Gift 8, 4/30 - QT 39, 5/7 - Morgana's Gift 9, 5/14 - QT: Phil 5, 5/21 - Janus Coins: John's Story 3.

One last thing before I go - every week I try and leave you with a little bit of music, Once I start writing a character for a significant amount of time, I realize that I'm inevitably putting a particular musical artist to that character, and if I need to capture their vibe better or just to get into their headspace, I'll put on that musical artist and it helps me focus into their mindset a little more. Since you're all reading Piper right now, and I'm writing Piper right now, I thought letting you who her musical muse is would help some.

For writing Piper, I tend to use an Australian musician named John Butler, whether by himself or (more commonly) as part of the John Butler Trio. He does these incredible songs using intense fingerpicking on a twelve-string, and he's glorious to listen to. This song, in particular, I consider Piper's theme.

OCEAN - John Butler - 2012 Studio Version - YouTube

I'll see you all back here with Phil on the weekend. Take care of yourselves, and remember if you're looking to talk to other people about the writing, stop by the Discord. There are now story discussion channels for each major thread (although all the Quaranteams are together in one channel) and you're welcome to talk amongst yourselves there. 



Thanks for the music! It was enjoyable and impressive. My wife liked it too. Did John Butler inspire Kevin from Morgana's Gift with regard to pedals?

Rick Shaw

Rather than something new my vote goes to picking up on JC and John’s latest competition

Corrupting Power

Kevin’s love of pedals come from playing in bands in high school and college. Also a lot of guitarists have the same addiction…