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So the weather here in the Bay Area has been all over the place, ranging from highs approaching 90 and lows barely above 40, so knowing what to wear when leaving the house or when sleeping has been a challenge. I was a bit sick last week, but am feeling better and it wasn't Covid, so we'll manage.

That meant Quaranteam 41 didn't drop until like almost 4 am on Sunday, but the profile dropped that afternoon, and I got Brewster's Brood 13 posted before I went to bed last night (and it included the list of all the girls in the upcoming Charlie Group). My personal thanks to the former members of the Air Force who were able to help me improve the profile via the Discord, and the revised version is a lot better. I love the fact that you folks help me get better. That's awesome, and I mean it. You all rock.

I've started work on Morgana's Gift 10, which will make Friday 4/8, although it's probably pretty plot driven, since Kev's going to go have a talk with Merlin about the events of his first Midas Day. I've already gotten some of that written, so that's a good start.

Also, on 4/12 the first chapter of Quaranteam: Piper's Prelude will drop, because it's basically been done for a few weeks, and the commissioner has even been able to do a few bits of minor fact checking for me, which has been helpful, so I got a few revisions done in advance. During the time I'd normally be working on Tuesday's release, I'll be working on getting ahead of schedule on commissioned work, and maybe also banging out the next chapter of Phil's Tale, which is penciled in for 4/15 right now.

There is a new poll for the voters on what they want me to write for 4/22. Of the remaining days of the month, one has BB14, one has QT42 and the other one is up for me to decide. We'll see what we're in the mood for. If the poll winner is a new chapter in an existing story, I may take that day and just start something new, because I feel the need to put a new beginning into the world. But I'll have more direction on what that looks like next week.

Here's the public release schedule for the next month: 4/9 - QT 38, 4/16 - Janus Coins: John's Story 2, 4/23 - Morgana's Gift 8, 4/30 - QT 39, 5/7 - Morgana's Gift 9, 5/14 - QT: Phil 5.

As for music, let me leave you with something so quintessentially 80s, if you weren't there, you won't believe this was a real band, but I assure you, it was... Here's Information Society.

Information Society - Walking Away (Official Music Video) - YouTube



InSoc! Man, that takes me back. To the 90s, admittedly, but still.

Hugh Peeble

I love Information Society…. That brings back many nights of bad decisions at the alt rock/progressive bar that my non-fraternity friends liked to hang out in. Pure Energy is still in my music mix for workouts.