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I realize it was a little late on Wednesday that I got to posting Brewster's Brood 12, but I had a brief spat of sickness that slowed me down over the weekend. As such, I'm anticipating that Quaranteam 41, which I had hoped to get out on Friday, will probably be out on Saturday 4/2 instead. Trying to get ahead of schedule on other things, so that bumps like this become less frequent, but it's a learning curve, and I'll do what I can.

Next week, it'll be Brewster's Brood 13 on 4/5 and the user-decided 4/8 will be Morgana's Gift 10 and will deal with the fallout from the first Midas Day.

Week after that will be all QT spinoffs, with Quaranteam: Piper's Prelude 1 on 4/12, and Quaranteam: Phil's Tale 6 on 4/15

There will be a poll going up for what I'm writing on 4/22 in the coming days, and sometime within the first week or two, there will also be the polls for what characters get designated profiles/sex scenes for the month of May. There's still one completely open slot for me in the month of April (since I have promised to do two BB and two QT chapters each month) and that may turn into me writing another start. I might even do an additional poll in the next week or so about which concept gets a starting chapter. I'll give that some thought.

Here's the public release schedule for the next month: 4/2 - Threadbinders 2, 4/9 - QT 38, 4/16 - Janus Coins: John's Story 2, 4/23 - Morgana's Gift 8, 4/30 - QT 39, 5/7 - Morgana's Gift 9.

It's been a strange week, but it's always nice to have you folks around, and hopefully you enjoy the new work. For the music today, I'm going to leave you with a band from the 1980s that's mostly been lost to the ravages of time, but I always kinda dug'em. The band is Guadalcanal Diary.

Guadalcanal Diary–Always Saturday (HQ) - YouTube



Hope your OK C P

Corrupting Power

There was a bit more plot in this chapter of QT than I'd anticipated, but it's up now, and I appreciate everyone's patience.