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As of late, my Tuesday story updates have been coming on Wednesday, and I'll do what I can to try and get us back on track in the near future, but sometimes the muse takes a little longer to get her work done. The new chapter of Janus Coins: John's Story is up and live now, and it's even set on St. Patrick's Day, so isn't that a good mesh of time! The JC story is fun, because I get to play around with lots of foreshadowing, simply because the narrator knows a lot more of the story than he's choosing to share. 

Coming up on Friday 3/18 or Saturday 3/19 (and I'm setting this expectation fairly, because it might well be Saturday - 50/50 odds right now) is the next chapter of Quaranteam as well as the one-page profile for the tier 3-5 subscribers. This particular bit of QT is going to mostly be sex scene, so look forward to that.

If I'm Honest won the poll for what I'm writing for 3/25 and I think I'm going to aim for Threadbinders 3 for 3/22 so that I hit most of the major stories this month at least once. Brewster's Brood 12 will round out our month on 3/29 and I have no idea what I'm going to do for 4/1.  Some part of me thinks I should do some kind of April Fool's story, but I'm not even sure what an erotic April Fool's story would look like, although maybe if I give it some thought, it'll come to me. Maybe I'll make that the first voted on date for the month, and toss up the idea of an April Fool's story up as an option.

Also in news that I'm sure will excite many of you, I've been contracted to do another spin-off from Quaranteam, and while I don't want to spoil any of the story for you, I will say it's not going to be a long on-going piece like Phil's Story, but does have multiple chapters, and is something I'm very excited about digging into. I've started scribbling an outline to start writing from, and you'll hear more about that in coming weeks. When the commissioner contacted me about their idea for the story, it played into something I'd been wanting to find a place for over recent months. You'll like it, I promise. It'll also be the first piece of Quaranteam fiction written from a female character's perspective. That's all I'll say for now! You people have already extracted more from me than I wanted to tell you! Not another word! Zip! 

For those of you who just come here to know when things are going to be released publicly, know that EMCSA isn't updating this weekend, so they'll just post two stories next week instead of one, and I'm still never entirely sure when Literotica posts things. The public release schedule looks like this: 3/19 - QT:Phil 4, 3/26 - QT 37, 4/2 - Threadbinders 2, 4/9 - QT 38, 4/16 - Janus Coins: John's Story 2. Those are just estimates, though, as I'm at the mercy of the people who run those sites. As always, these stories have been available to Patreon subscribers for a while, and if you just can't wait, consider joining!

As I always am around Saint Patrick's Day, I've been listening to a ton of Pogues music right now. If you aren't familiar with them, they're band that straddled the line between traditional Celtic music and good old-fashioned punk. Every year around Christmas, I'm always listening to "Fairytale of New York," but they had so many other amazing songs, and I'm so glad I spent the $80 or so I did to see them back in '08, because that was their last tour. There aren't many shows I regret going to, but there are plenty that I regret not going to. Thank Christ I saw the Pogues live. See everyone back here on Friday or Saturday.

The Pogues - If I Should Fall From Grace With God - YouTube


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