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Apologies for being a little late on the recent Brewster's Brood post, but as it turned out, my own personal Xander showed up unexpectedly on my doorstep yesterday around lunchtime, and it was the first time my best friend and I had seen each other in person in over two years, and then we went out to get dinner and the Bay Area was hit by a snap cold spell and his car wouldn't start, so we were freezing and laughing and it was crazy, but it was a good time and nice recharge of my mental batteries. 

Brewster's Brood 10 just went up a few minutes ago, and the attached PDF is parts 1-10 and the Cast of Characters. I'll probably replace that file over the next day or so, and also add an epub version, once I finish watching this tutorial video on how to get chapters to show up. It'll be up within a couple of days, and I'll have Patreon send a notice that the post has been updated when I throw it up there.

I've actually done some writing for Morgana's Gift 8 already, so I'm pretty sure that'll be done Friday, although it might be late in the evening, especially since I'm revisiting it just a week later for Morgana's Gift 9, as chosen by the voting tiers. 

I can also confirm that Quaranteam 39 will be out on 3/1. We've made it through February without me losing my mind, so I think I can maintain this schedule of two new story posts each week as long as you folks can be forgiving of me sometimes being a day or so late here and there. Cool? Cool. The plan is that there will be two guaranteed Quaranteam posts each month, two guaranteed Brewster's Brood posts each month, one chapter of Quaranteam: Phil's Tale each month, and the remaining slots are a combination of voted on by tiers 4-5 and my own personal choice. 

It feels like a manageable workload while still being a bit challenging, so we'll see how it goes. The public release schedule looks like this for the next few weeks: 2/26 - Quaranteam: Phil's Tale 3, 3/5 - Morgana's Gift 7, 3/12 - Quaranteam 36. I leave you with a little Frank Turner to cheer up your day.



Rick Shaw

In final paragraph of this update. Did you mean QT 40, rather than 36?

Corrupting Power

No no, the public release schedule is stuff that's posted to other sites. On 3/12, QT36 will go to places like EMCSA and Literotica.

Rick Shaw

Ah.. I miss read