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One Tuesday down, three more to go. Who came up with this crazy plan? Oh. Right. I guess I can chew that guy out later. So I posted Quaranteam: Phil's Tale - Chapter 4 yesterday, much earlier than I think anyone expected me to, but I wanted to follow up on the energy I'd had riding off 3 and getting into the whole McCallister of it was something I've been wanting to do for a while now. People have asked me if I think the QT universe has villains, and I've always said I try to avoid stereotypical villains, because everyone is a person with their own motivation, but if you're looking for someone in the classical villain archetype, well, McCallister's one to watch. 

I started work on Quaranteam 37 today and expect it should be fine for delivery sometime on Friday, 2/4, or Saturday, 2/5, depending on how long the chapter grows. There's a sort of weird parallelism that's happening between QTPT and QT right now, so I want to be sure I'm not just doubling down on things with no payoff, but there's certainly some fun little details slipped into QTPT4 that may be relevant to things happening in QT37. As a reminder, you all voted on QT37 being the thing I did first for the month, so that's what I'm doing.

 Currently on the agenda for next Tuesday, 2/8, I'm aiming to do another chapter in Threadbinders, the first chapter of which will be released publicly this weekend, thus the timing for all that. For those of you who follow the news updates but aren't Patreon members, please note that the lead time for work being available here is certainly increasing, and is likely to do so moving forward, even though my output volume publicly won't change. What that basically means is that Patrons are getting over twice as much content a month in addition to a longer than a month exclusivity. How far out? Well, that sort of depends on how long I'm able to keep the two a week update schedule running. I know other writers in the scene have six-month exclusivity, and that seems like quite the goal to be aiming for.

Naturally, 2/11 will be Brewster's Brood 9, and we will see the first members of Bravo Group making their impressions on Max, who is absolutely not ready for everything the girls are going to throw at him. The schedule has Brewster's Brood 10 on the calendar for 2/22, and that should be easy to hold to as well.

With Janus Coins 2 already announced on the calendar for 2/18, that leaves only 2/15 and 2/25 as undecided dates for February, with the 2/25 date in the middle of a poll for T3/4s right now (and it looks like they're leaning towards Morgana's Gift right now, although there's still several days left to vote). Maybe I'll try and get another main chapter of QT in on the 15th, but we'll see. I'm undecided on that for now.

We're in February now, and it seems like the first few days of every month, there are a lot of subscriptions that are declined during the renewal process, but it looks like most of you have gotten that sorted out and there's only a handful of people who haven't fixed it as of yet. As I'm still new at all of this, what could convince some of you at the t1/t2 levels to consider upgrading to a level 3 subscription? I'm absolutely not saying you have to, but I'm trying to figure out what might convince you to do so, as growth has been a little stagnant over January, and I'd like to continue trying to make this worth the time investment, especially with me ramping to 2 new content drops a week, as that cuts into my available time to take freelance gigs. Something to think about. I guess we'll see what we look at in a month or two's time, and if the push for more weekly content either adds people or encourages them to upgrade their subscription.

It's also Groundhog Day, which means you should take the opportunity to watch the excellent Bill Murray movie, as it's always a great watch around this time of year. I try to get in a yearly viewing of the movie, and I seem to pick up new things every time. Last year I noticed that the boy in the couple excited about wrestling tickets would grow up to be a lackluster General Zod in the most recent Superman flicks. (It's not his fault - those scripts have been so stale that pigeons would turn their nose.) 

And your weekly music from a genre known as retrowave. Enjoy the 80s flashbacks and I'll see everyone back here on Friday.

timecop1983 - YouTube



The only thing that could convince me to upgrade is a better paying job. Sorry.

Corrupting Power

Hey, like I said, if you can't afford it, don't even sweat it in the slightest. We're all hustlers out here, pinching every penny, clenching every time.


I hear that. They upped my rent...again. so my crappy one bedroom apartment is now 1100 a month, so yeah...I gotta get some more side hustles going. Lol

SP Rupert

Something between $6 at T2 and $15 and T3 might be worthwhile to think about.

SP Rupert

Great question. I wouldn’t want it to be too much of a burden on you because it wouldn’t be aimed at new patreons but just increasing existing subscriptions. Maybe for $8 a month they get all the benefits of the $6 plan plus to vote once a month on a character profile. Nothing big. Just like one of the snippets from the bigger ones you’ve published recently. All the $8 (or whatever dollar amount you chose) patreons can nominate a single character. Then you pick the top 4 or whatever you can fit in a poll for everyone to vote on once a month. That way it’s fun for everyone. The patreons get done say in the selection. And it’s minimal extra work for you. In the end IDK. This was just from the SP pile of crazy ideas. I wouldn’t want to dictate to you anything. You do great on your own.


For me It’s a price to quantity of content thing. For $9.99 a month I can get access to KIndle Unlimited with a virtually infinite supply of content. One can argue about the quality but still a huge amount of content. As prolific as you are you could never match that quantity. I acknowledge that it’s a bit of an apples to oranges comparison but it does help to establish a baseline. You can also look at cost of a full length novel, etc.