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Well, I had expected I was going to need this in the first few days of the week, but it turned out we got there a little ahead of when I thought we would! As we did with 100 Patrons, I'm releasing a visual guide for Quaranteam, this one covering basically every major and mid-level character in the story so far, including a couple that haven't even appeared yet, who are just in my notes for upcoming stories! This is, it should be noted, only half of the surprise I had planned for the 200 mark. Hopefully I'll have the other half done within the next couple of days. Thanks to all of you, my Corrupted Legions, and I hope everyone enjoys the updated guide!



That's where I know her from thanks it was bothering me lol

Rick Shaw

Nice work. Pictured Watkins a little older than 41 & Noah Wyle. Other than that i like it

Corrupting Power

Watkins was described as 41 in his first appearance. I almost used a picture of Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter), but Watkins is a more sympathetic character than that. Heh.

SP Rupert

Lol. Yea. That picture of Noah Wiley hurt a bit. I KNOW he’s older and starred in a lot since, but I will always remember him as the snot nosed ER resident. Other than that - he definitely would play the part.



SP Rupert

While I agree with you with Noah’s acting, Falling Skies was nothing more than a declining popcorn scifi summer series. I watched it. I mostly enjoyed it. But Falling Skies will never be a milestone scifi series. It’s no Expanse, BSG, Picard, Robotech, Firefly or Stargate SG-1.


I enjoyed Wyle in The Librarians as well. The campiness still seems to suit him well.


Damm, now when I watch The Rookie, I think of Angela as Lexi. She's got the pitbull wibe :-)