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Part Seven

Mrs. Churchill – 3/7/2017 – Tuesday – 3:29 pm

“So what do you think of Adette Schwartz, Jacinda?” Mrs. Churchill asked her right hand woman. They'd been forced to call back all their screening team just a week or so after they'd dismissed them all, and luckily everyone had been able to carve an afternoon free to run the late addition through their standard battery of tests, to make sure that Dieter wasn't trying to push a dangerous candidate into the pool. It wasn't something they'd expected to have to do, but Mrs. Churchill had learned that any project this big was bound to have hiccups.

“I'm thinking I don't like late additions, boss,” Jacinda grumbled in agreement with Mrs. Churchill's unease. The two of them were watching on a video screen as the new girl, the 101stin the pool, was undergoing a thorough physical. Max's safety wasn't just something of high priority – it was the top priority, and they had an endless number of redundancies designed to make sure that for all 90 days this game was going on, Max was probably the safest man on the planet. “You didn't have the option of saying no?”

“I did have the option of saying no but doing so would've been a very big ask without having a solid reason,” the older woman sighed. “I was halfway hoping we might find something in the screening process that would give us justifiable cause to reject her.”

“She's still got a handful more tests to go through, but right now, it's looking like there isn't much in the way of reasons we could say she's not a viable candidate. The blood work came back completely clean, and the initial psyche pass seemed okay. She seems like a normal 19-year-old German girl.” Jacinda had her tablet with her, and typed in a few notes into it, clearly updating her files. “Who the hell is she and why is she coming in past the wire?”

“She's the granddaughter of one of the sponsors of the streams, Dieter Schwartz, so I can't imagine the money is her real concern.” Mrs. Churchill leaned a little bit against the desk, picking up her bottle of water. “Dieter's a very powerful man, and I think he's genuinely bought into the whole 'power of the bloodline' bullshit that I know Monty was floating around last year, when he was drumming up support for this whole thing. He asked me to put her into the pool, and I couldn't think of a good reason to say no, not one he'd believe anyway. He's very cunning, so I imagine she will be as well. You talked to her for a bit. How did she strike you?”

“Her English is very good, which will help, although she seems a little too socialite to fall into our boy's normal types. Still, she's very pretty and that may be enough to help get her past that,” Jacinda said before laughing for a moment. “Of course, she's going in with Juliett Group, so I can't even imagine what Max's mental state will be like by the time we get there. By that point, he's going to be overwhelmed by having so many goddamn women fighting for his attention that who the hell knows if he'll even notice yet another blonde or if she'll just blend into the background. And she's in the same group as Isabella, so that's only going to make things even worse for her.”

“Adette didn't flinch when I explained all the rules to her after she arrived, so she clearly knows what she's getting into,” Mrs. Churchill said. “I asked her why she wanted to get into this, and she said it was important to her father, and to his father, and that it would give her the freedom to have her own life outside of the family, since there would be an heir being raised by the nanny while she actually did something productive with her life. Not how I'd want a mother to be, but I suppose with that much money, there isn't any danger of the child not being cared for properly, and there's nothing against it in Mr. Brand's will, so I guess we let it play and give the girl the benefit of the doubt.”

Jacinda nodded. “It's too late for us to have any good read on what she's going to do to the ones we've already got picked, so I think you probably made the right call if her grandfather is as much a pain in the ass as you say he is.”

“Oh, he definitely is,” she grumbled. “I've known Dieter a long time, and if he wants something and there isn't an insanely good reason why he can't have it, he'll rain down hellfire and chaos until he gets his way. Remind me to tell you all about the pissing match he got into with the Chancellor when we were in Warsaw together. Bloody nightmare. Anyway, I've been busy dealing with this most of the day, so I haven't had much of a chance to peek in on how our boy is doing. Is Dana's Ironwood Estates story holding up under scrutiny?”

Jacinda reached into her pocket and fished out a packet of cigarettes as they walked out onto the balcony, nodding as they closed the door behind them. “Incredibly, I think Max has completely taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. Between Zoe and Dana, they built themselves a good little legend and it seems like it's passed the initial smell test, although I think Max is a little curious why he hasn't seen any other guys on site yet. Esme made it clear to him that there would be at least a few men showing up in the evening, and they've convinced him to hang around at least until a little past sundown, so that'll give some of Bravo Group a chance to make a good first impression on him. They were even asking if maybe we could send Danny in as another member, just to get some more men into the scene, so it doesn't look quite so suspicious.”

Mrs. Churchill frowned at Jacinda getting out cigarettes, then sighed and held her hand out to get one herself. They were just under too much stress to not get some decompression when they could. “I was going to say that I wanted to keep Danny in the shadows as much as possible, but that bastard's too good looking for his own good, so I suppose it won't hurt to send him and his insanely beautiful girlfriend in as cover. I'm certain Max saw them at his little trivia night last night, so tell Danny not to try and play it off. Even if Danny wasn't completely distracting, Liane stands out like a sore thumb. I mean, she's halfway to seven feet without heels, and yet Danny doesn't mind her towering over him.”

“When you've been trained to kill a man with a penny, I don't think you get intimidated by much,” Jacinda said, lighting up her cigarette with a Zippo before holding the Zippo out to Mrs. Churchill. “You had to know there was zero chance that Max wasn't going to notice him over the course of the three months.”

“Sure, over the course of three months, but now we're putting him front and center, so there's no chance of him sliding into the background anymore,” Mrs. Churchill said, taking a long drag from her cigarette. After a moment or so, she started piping out rings of smoke into the air before shooting a thin stream right up the center of them. “I guess it can't be helped. Let Danny take his Amazonian girlfriend over to the club. He knows better than to knock anybody up, and Liane being there will help sell it, since she'll be able to play with the girls a little bit.”

“She knows all about the game?”

“Danny asked me if he could tell her, and considering the situation he's in, I told him that he alone could have an exception, and tell just her, so that she didn't get jealous,” Mrs. Churchill said, tapping the ash from her cigarette out on the railing. “Anything that prevents him from getting distracted is for the best, and while Liane is quite the looker, she strikes me as the kind who might have a jealous streak wide enough to drive a lorry through.”

“She's hot enough to get away with it.”

“That she is, my dear. That she is.”

“So, it's okay to let Danny go into the club?”

“Fuck it. Sure. It'll let him be around a lot, and maybe him and Max can strike up a friendship. It wouldn't hurt to have another man on the inside, considering how fucking unreliable Frankie is.”

“Well, Frankie did deliver him like he was supposed to.”

“That's all he did,” Mrs. Churchill said, rolling her eyes. “And Max is at trivia night nine times out of ten anyway, so the shit heel needs to start pulling his weight soon. How's the conversation going among the Bravo Group? They figured out some sort of plan, so they aren't all hitting Max up at the same time? Alfa managed it well enough, but you said that Bravo wasn't quite as clear headed.”

“No, I said a few members of Bravo Group might be a problem,” Jacinda said before taking a drag off her own cigarette. “But anyone who was going to be very problematic I tried to keep towards the latter groups. The first few waves don't have anyone completely off the rails. Isabella's in the last group for a billion reasons. Mostly I think Bravo's going to play ball with Zoe's plan, though, so we don't need to be too worried about them, except maybe Anya, Song or Olivia, all for different reasons.”

“Remind me of the reasons again. I'm like a twisted version of Cruella DeVille here, with 101 Bachelorettes instead of dalmatians.”

“That and you aren't trying to make a coat out of them,” she said with a chuckle. “So, Song we just have to worry about someone in paparazzi catching photos of her, but thankfully, she's a long way from home, and I don't think the ratpress around here keeps up with South Korean dramas much. If she was back home, it'd be a nightmare, but over here, she can just disappear at will.”

“I remember saying something similar. Go on.”

“Anya's self-centered enough that she might just not give a shit about the rules and decide to go rogue on us,” Jacinda said, taking another slow draw off her cigarette. “I don't think it's likely, but it's a possibility. It's also possible that she might say something to screw up the legend of Ironwood Estates, being that English isn't her first language. Again, I don't think it's likely, but it's definitely a risk.”

“Let's hope our little Russian ice princess knows to keep her mouth shut most of the time, then,” Mrs. Churchill said, dusting ash off the end of her cigarette again. “At least when it's not wrapped around our boy's cock. What's Olivia's problem?”

“Olivia is an alpha bitch who doesn't always play nice with others,” Jacinda groaned. “She likes to be in total control of every situation she finds herself in, and if she isn't, she's probably thinking of ways to get herself into total control. That's not exactly going to work here, as I'm sure you know. It's even crazier since she doesn't even want to stay with Max. But she doesn't know Zoe, so therefore she doesn't trust Zoe, and that's got her all paranoid about shit. I'm hoping she calms her tits before she meets up with Max, but you know how TV people can get.”

“Be thankful she's just an exec and not on-air 'talent,' such as it is,” Mrs. Churchill said, stubbing out the very end of her cigarette on the railing. She'd smoked it almost down to the filter. “Nasty habit. I'm going to give it up again once we're through this, but until we are, I have a feeling I'm likely going to have to have a few a day, so go ahead and put your cigarettes into the expense budget while we're on The Brand Project.”

Jacinda nodded, as if she'd been expected such a suggestion. “We should get in there and bet on who's going to be first out of the Bravo Group.”

“Who's your money on?”

Her right-hand woman smirked, rolling her eyes. “If I tell you, I'm probably just splitting my own pot, because you're gonna go for whoever I will since I won the last bet about who he'd fuck first.” She stubbed out her own cigarette then tossed her butt into the trash along with Mrs. Churchill's.

“I promise not to bet on whoever you're betting on, Jac.”

“Then my money's on LaTonya. Girl wants to get in, get knocked up and get out, and I think she'll make a hard play for him quick.”

“Oh good,” the older woman said with amusement. “I wasn't planning on betting on her anyway, so I don't have to change my vote.”

“Why?” Jacinda asked, opening the door. “Who's your money on?”


Jacinda stopped for half a second, craning her head to one side. “Zelda? REALLY?

Dana Weismann – 3/7/2017 – Tuesday – 5:13 pm

Just after lunch, Dana had hit on an excellent idea to get Max to spend a sizable amount of time more at the Ironwood Estates, and the idea had let her keep him around the building long after their lunch had ended.

While Max's food truck generally had regular locations for most days of the week, Thursdays were their 'wild card' day, mostly because it was the day where Max was trying out all sorts of new recipes for the first time, and that day they were always at their loosest and least refined. While sometimes recipes were a smash hit right out of the gate, they were often in need of adjustment and fine tuning, so by the time Friday rolled around, he knew exactly what he was up to.

What if, Dana had posited to him, she booked the truck to be parked at the Ironwood Estates every Thursday, so he could tinker with a bit more freedom? He'd countered that there wouldn't be enough traffic for him to get any real read on whether or not his recipes were working, but Dana had in turn responded that she had work crews all over the nearby area doing constructions and renovations for her, and that every Thursday, she could simply email them a copy of Max's menu for the day, and they would place orders that would be relayed to them from the truck. She could also mandate they filled out a response post meal on what they did and didn't like about the item.

Dana had gone out of her way to make the offer as appealing as possible, guaranteeing a minimum amount of sales every Thursday that exceeded his normal average by a good margin. When she'd just been pitching it as serving the club, he'd been very cool on the idea, but when she mentioned the delivery service idea, he had seemed to come around relatively quickly, as it upped the amount of business by quite the margin.

They'd spent the afternoon going through the details of it, making sure that there would be profit in it for him without much in the way of risk. And, to make the entire thing a real sweetheart deal, she'd also pointed out that if this worked out well, she wouldn't mind helping him secure a more permanent location to open a restaurant in the Bay again.

The last point had been a rather empty promise, but Max didn't need to know that. Oh, she would gladly invest in helping the man open a more permanent location, but by that time, the game was up, and Max would know everything. He'd also have more than enough money to not need outside investors. So, while she made the promise with every intention of living up to it, she didn't expect he would want her help after all was said and done.

Hell, he might still be exceptionally cross at her over her part in the game.

Rachel had excused herself partway through it, telling Max she'd see him later, but Jenny had made it a point to stay with him, cementing herself in the place of tour guide, but also giving her a front runner spot for whom Max might consider staying with after the game had concluded. Dana had no interest in that, so was happy enough to let the undercover cop continue with her gambit.

“All of this sounds great, Max,” Dana said, as they were finalizing details. “It'll be nice to have an actual chef on site for a day, and everyone else's Thursday is our Friday, so the club is generally fairly busy on those days. And if you need a hand with things, there's usually a submissive or two on site who would love for you to order them around.”

“You have no idea how weird that sounds to me, Dana, but you're offering a pretty substantial guarantee on income here, even on my experimental days, so I guess I'd be a fool to turn it down,” Max told her. “I'll want to see all of it in writing, obviously, but based on what we've discussed, it all sounds excellent. Assuming you can have a contract for me tomorrow, I'd be happy to start this Thursday.”

“Excellent,” Dana said. She'd just guaranteed one day a week where Max would mostly be at the Ironwood Estates, for the next three months. They'd have him somewhere they could keep their eye on him. Of course, most of the time he'd be working, but they could control who he was exposed to far better here, and the girls could all try to catch his eye in any spare moment he had.

She'd done her homework, and as much as Max loved to project the image of constantly being busy while at the food truck, there were definite slow periods, and since he wouldn't be moving the truck between the lunch and dinner shift, he could spend that time knocking girls up, no matter what Dana had to do to get him into that head space. She would also use the girls to get supplies for him, help deliver, anything she could to keep him as idle as possible, surrounded by an endless parade of beautiful, wanton, willing, eager women, most of whom would be dressed as scantily as possible.

“Look, Max, why don't you take a nap in one of the bedrooms, and then I can wake you up when people start to show up to the club here in the evening?”

“Dana, I dunno...”

“Nonsense, dear boy,” she said with a matronly smile, despite being significantly younger than him. It was a smile she had a great deal of practice with. “You can have a lovely nap, and I can get a contract hammered out and delivered here before you're done having fun for the night.”

“You have a lawyer who's working right now?”

“For me, darling, they're always working.”

“C'mon Max,” Jenny said to him, snuggling up to one side of him. “You really should see this place in the evening, when it starts to really get popping.”

“Getting blown under the table while I'm having lunch isn't popping?” he asked.

“Amateur hour,” Dana sniffed with amusement. “Don't get me wrong. I'm sure Kelly was a delicious little snack for you, but she's got much more to offer you later, if you'll let her. And in the evening, everyone feels a lot more comfortable with themselves, so we get a much bigger turnout. People have gotten off work and want to let off some steam. You know how the normies are.”

“I'm not sure...”

“And if it makes you feel any better, I know for certain that you won't be the only man in the house tonight. At least a couple of our regulars will be swinging by, and you can get a much better sense of how the club functions on any given evening,” she said, placing her soft hand over his calloused one, giving it a tiny squeeze. “You simply must do me this courtesy, Max. I won't hear of you leaving early, especially considering how tired you look.”

Max seemed to consider this for a long moment, and then she could see the resistance die behind his eyes in an instant. “You promise me I can have a couple hours nap, undisturbed?”

“Cross my heart, Max,” she said, drawing an X over her breast. “You can lock the door from the inside, and no one will come in until you awaken.”

“Hopefully I can sleep with you?” Jenny asked.

“As long as we're only sleeping, Jenny,” Max grumbled. “I never thought I'd complain about too much sex in my life, but right now, I need to rest. I mean rest rest. Like REALLY rest.”

The strawberry blonde giggled a little, holding her right hand up like making a vow. “Scout's honor, we'll just be sleeping.”

“Then I guess we'll go nab a two-hour nap, and I'll see you later tonight for the contract signing and to see what the Estate looks like at night.”

“Delightful,” Dana said, leading them up to one of the bedrooms. “The doors lock from the inside, and I'll be by a little after seven to wake you and introduce you to who's around at the time, although I would imagine we'll be seeing people come and go all evening.”

“I'm not staying past midnight, Dana,” Max said sternly, stepping into the bedroom with Jenny. “Nothing you can possibly do can convince me to stay past midnight. I want to get a good, long night's sleep in my own bed tonight.”

“Of course, Max,” Dana said. “Sleep tight.”

Like hell she was going to let him out of here by midnight, she thought to herself, as she walked down towards her office, hearing Max close and lock the door behind them.

Zoe Hitchens – 3/7/2017 – Tuesday – 6:15 pm

“So, what did you think of him Michelle?” Zoe asked her new temporary roommate. “Had yourself a good time, I hope?”

“Y'all certainly know how to make sure a gal's head is spinnin',” she laughed. “I feel like I got rode hard and put away wet, and damn if I didn't wake up a bit sore, but in a good way. Did you get a swing at him at the club, Rach?”

Rachel shook her head. “Not yet, but I'm in as a member of Ironwood Estates, and I'll be at my most fertile next week, so I'll have my first go at him then.”

“In the middle of all the chaos?” Zoe said in surprise. “Good luck with that. This time next week, it's going to be you and at least fifty other bitches all fighting for a moment of the man's attention. Unlucky cycle timing for you, I guess.”

“That much time will also have taken a bit of Frankie's stink off of me.”

“Oh god, that's right!” Zoe cackled. “How was he? That bad?”

“He was fine,” Rachel sighed, a mildly amused look on her face. “Not good but fine. He wore a condom, he didn't want anything freaky and he lasted long enough, which is more than I can say for some men I've been with over the years. He was a six, for better or worse. Unremarkable, mostly. How did you find your time with Max?”

“Oh, he was a peach, y'all know that,” Michelle said. “Although I gotta admit Jenny and Zoe talkin' me up made it that much hotter. What about you, Zoe? You have a good time with him this morning?”

“He was basically still out like a light this morning when I started riding him. Seemed a shame to let that nice big morning wood go to waste, so he woke up when I'd been atop him for a couple of minutes, and while he didn't last too long, he's got a nice cock and he knows how to make a girl feel good, so I'd say I had a nice time. I got third blast, thought, which means I probably got the weakest load, but sometimes you take what you can get.”

“You looking to make a play for the big money?” Michelle asked her.

“Nah,” Zoe said. “I mean, that much money would be a wonderful thing for anyone's life, but I'm well established in DC, and I'm sticking to the reasons I got into this originally – to get a kid, to get a bit of money to help pay for it and to get out. You?”

“Fuck and run,” Michelle laughed. “It's good enough for Liz Phair, it's good enough for me. How about you Rachel?”

“I'm likely with both of you. I think going for the big prize has too many risks and complications involved in it,” Rachel sighed. “I mean, how is Max ever going to trust some woman who agreed to share him with 99 other women and lied about it to his face for three months?”

“You have to, though,” Zoe said, sitting at her desk, tapping a fingertip on her laptop's trackpad to shake it from sleep mode. “That's part of the game. He's going to get that at the end, don't you think?”

“I really don't know, Zoe. Relationships are complicated things, and the more interconnected strands one has, the more a ripple effect is caused by tugging on one of them. If Max shows a keen interest in forming a deeper emotional connection with me, I'm certainly not going to say no, but with so many women fighting for a moment of his time, I think getting a lasting bond with any of us is going to be a challenge of truly epic proportions. Jenny certainly seems to making a go of it, though.”

Zoe nodded. “She told me just before you three left earlier, when Max was in the bathroom, that she didn't think she was going to want to stick around at first, but that she might be changing her mind, since Max seemed like such a nice guy.”

“A nice guy who's gonna be the father of a whole lot of kids,” Michelle giggled. “Most of whom he'll never meet.”

“Yeah, well, for some people that may not be a dealbreaker,” Rachel said, kicking off her boots as she sat down on the couch. “But I can give him a few days before he needs to see me again, either way. How's the Bravo Group looking, Zoe? I know you've been trying to get them up to speed with the whole story we've spun Max on.”

“Most of them seem like they'll be on board. I think about half of them are going up to Ironwood tonight, while the other half don't want to get lost in the mad rush upfront and are going to approach a little later.”

“They can't wait too long,” Michelle said. “There's a whole shit ton more of them coming day by day by day...”

“Well, we do each get our 90 days window, so if some people want to get less chances at it, that's their concern, not mine, as long as we make our numbers,” Zoe said. “And Bravo Group has someone like me, who's got her eye on the bottom line, and will be watching to make sure we're getting enough women into the rotation so that Max makes his minimum quota, at the very least. But LaTonya wants to make sure he gets into the much higher numbers rather than settling for the bare minimum. She seems to think the 50-60 range is entirely doable. Hell, I think if she'd been in charge, she'd have just kidnapped him, strapped him down and let all the women take turns riding him until he'd knocked up every damn one of them.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “But Mrs. Churchill's around to make sure the rules are stuck to, and that Max doesn't drop dead from exertion, which I think might be a legitimate concern.”

“Does Dana have some sort of plan to get him into a handful of women tonight?”

“Apparently she made sure he already had a go at Cara...”

“The tourist? The one who didn't want to see Max at all? How'd she make that happen?”

“Tied her up and left a note on her that said 'this is what I want' and Jenny and Esme sort of talked him through the whole thing. I was watching it when you were out grabbing lunch, Michelle, and oh god, was it H-O-T...”

“Shit, that's right!” Michelle said, standing up from her place on the couch. “I forgot we can watch when we're not with Max! What's he up to right now?”

Zoe waved a hand at her to calm the girl down. “He's napping up there at the Estates, along with Jenny. Dana thought him getting a few hours rest would make it easier to keep him around the Estates for the rest of the evening. She even shot me a note saying she's enlisted Max's food truck to be up at the Estates every Thursday for the next three months, so that should definitely open up some additional availability in his schedule in terms of getting him to put buns in ovens.”

“That'll definitely help,” Rachel said. “I still wonder how we're going to get him past his breaking point, though. And just how far away it really is. We've turned a man who hadn't had sex in years into one of the most popular men ever. At some point, and some point soon, we're going to start to see some pushback from him, because nobody gets this many beautiful women climbing into his bed without suspecting something is up.”

“Anyone in particular who's going to be trouble in Bravo Group?” Michelle asked.

“Not entirely sure,” Zoe responded. “Some of the women aren't being very responsive on the message board, so it's tough to get a good read on them.

“Let's get some dinner, then we can come back and watch when things get popping after Bravo's been given the greenlight,” Rachel said.

The three headed to the door, Zoe pausing to look back at the screen which still showed Max and Jenny's sleeping forms on it via the camera uplink. “God help you, sir.”



God help you sir lmao I love it