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Thanks to everyone for indulging me in a few days rest and recouperation from the travels, and this morning I started work on Quaranteam 35, which I feel reasonably confident will be make 1/7 or 1/8. I'm aiming for Friday, but there's a slight chance I might slip onto the Saturday, so I figure it's okay to set those expectations correctly. I don't like to tease the QT chapters in advance really, but I think there's some interesting wrinkles in this one.

I'm hoping to be able to keep to this month's planned schedule, even though I partially screwed it up, so I'll just try and hold to it, and learn to adapt moving forward, but it's possible some of this month may shake out a little as well. We'll see how it goes. I should've set Brewster's Brood to have one of the two parts coming out on an early Friday, like I have previously. I didn't this month, so, oops me, I guess, and hopefully I can keep my nose down and writing and there won't be any blockage. Assuming I don't, you'll have BB7 on 1/11 and BB8 on 1/28.

I'm certain that I should be able to get If I'm Honest 8 done for 1/14, unless BB7 gives me particular snarls, but I don't think it will. I'm looking forward to picking up Deke and the fun situation I left him in with the last one, so that'll be fun to come back to.

The Tier 3/4 susbscribers have their votes in, and it looks like Morgana's Gift 7 will be what I'm writing for 1/21 with a new modern sci-fi idea being a close second, so I'll keep that in my back pocket moving forward. For those of you who want to help control the flow of the narrative, consider upgrading to T3, where a single vote carries a lot of weight, as basically it's been decided by a single vote for the last three votes what I'm writing for a particular week. We're a couple of weeks away from the next vote, so it's something you may want to consider, as our next vote will decide what I'm working on for 2/4. I imagine that vote'll go up next Wednesday and will run for a week, as they normally do, and basically everything I've written will be in play to choose from.

Anyway, that's what the month looks like right now, and there should be something to delight everyone in the month. I'm going to leave you with a band that I'm hopefully going to get to see live this year, as they're scheduled (*cough*FuckYouOmicron*cough*) in San Francisco in the summer. They were an offshoot of The Sisters Of Mercy, but while SOM hasn't put out any new material in an eternity, The Mission continue to record new and amazing albums. Here's a classic from them. See you all on the weekend.

the mission deliverance - YouTube


SP Rupert

Thanks for the update. I gotta admit I look forward to all your new stories so it’s always a win-win for me. But now that I know a new scifi series might be on your brain it makes me want to vote more.