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Wednesday seems like a good day to do a weekly update on what I'm working and where my head's at, so let's just assume I'll generally do that moving forward. 

To the higher tier supporters, remember, you have a vote in what story I'm going to do in an upcoming week. It's your privilege as a big funder of my work, so be sure to cast your vote on this post - https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-poll-15th-56372468 - there are nine days left! Use your power! Decide things for me! There aren't a lot of you, so your vote makes all the difference.

I'm about three pages into a new chapter for If I'm Honest, and that'll be the new story update for the week that I guaranteed, but I'm also outlined for Chapters 29-31 of Quaranteam, which means I'll probably try and write 29 over the weekend for early next week, and then maybe see if I can bang out either a second chapter for the end of next week, or another chapter in one of the other stories, maybe Morgana's Gift or a second Brewster's Brood update, not sure yet. Always happy to hear thoughts. 

Expect the next chapter of If I'm Honest on Thursday or Friday, depending on how much I get done today. I felt the urge to let Deke out, and to switch up to first person perspective for a bit.

Also, I posted the first two chapters of QT to the sexstories Reddit today, in an effort to try and spread my fiction to more people, and to try and drive traffic to here. I also applied for a Literotica account, and will likely repost the first ten or so QT chapters there as well, with a link to the Patreon, once I'm approved. Any suggestions on other places I should do promotion, please hit me up.  



Another site to consider is Read Only Mind. I have posted a few of my mcstories.com stories there.

SP Rupert

I haven't started reading Morgana's Gift yet so out of the two Brewster's Brood would be my preference but I'll get to all the stories eventually so whatever you decide will be awesome for me. Thanks for giving us a weekly update too. This is above and beyond what I have seen to date with many creators.