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Okay, so I've got the starting batch of publicly available stories up and visible to all patrons now, including some adjustments and reworks I've done to some stories. I can edit all versions here any time I want, so consider these the definitive version of each work. I didn't just want to launch with only previously available content, so I also posted a large chunk from a very long commissioned work I did in tandem with another writer about a decade ago. I will continue posting chunks of that work from time to time (as well as other works not readily available anymore), so there's always new content coming regularly.

Speaking of new content, there's two posts currently planned for this week. The first is the newest chapter of Quaranteam, which is nearly ready for my readers' eyes. I should have that up in the next day or two as well. It's currently over 6k words, and it will be available to Patrons exclusively for a month before it starts appearing elsewhere. Hell, if you're a patron, you'll probably have read at least one other new chapter in QT before this upcoming one becomes public.

Also due later this week is the first chapter in my tier 2 or higher Patron exclusive long form work, entitled "Brewster's Brood." For those of you who've marveled at the number of characters I'm juggling in Quaranteam, Brewster's Brood is kicking it up by a big notch. The ambition of it may very well kill me, but if it does, it'll be done in front of your very eyes. It's a high risk, high reward story inspired by the classic "Brewster's Millions," but it goes into a radically different direction. You could also say it's partially inspired by Battle Royale and/or The Hunger Games. Curious what that means? Maybe you should subscribe and find out! The cast size, by the end of it, is going to be terrifying. No kidding, I'm probably out of my fucking mind here.

Those of you subscribed at the tier 3 or higher level can also vote on what story I write for the week of October 8th. Each month, the t3s will decide which of my active stories will get a new chapter in one particular week. Want to have some say in it? There will be a poll here for t3s to vote on, and if there's a tie, the most convincing person in the comments will likely sway my opinion. If we don't have any votes (hell, we're just getting started) then I'll just write what I want. But wouldn't you rather tell me what to do? 

If any of you are crazy enough to subscribe at the t4 level, then we'll also start talking about what you want for your monthly story. T4 subscribers get 5-10k words, either a short story of their conception, or a chapter in a longer form work that we'll discuss before hand. Those will be delivered in the month after your subscription month, so, for example, if you subscribe at T4 in October, your first commissioned work will be delivered in November.

Patrons also get access to my Discord, which I will have up and active most of the times that I'm working on fiction for this Patreon. (I won't be online when I'm working on non Patreon writing, but I'll obviously see things when I next get on.)

Lots of people were telling me to launch a Patreon, so here we are! I'll see you in weeds!



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