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Updated 6/22/22

Here's the way this is going to work. All of my erotic writing will be posted here at some point, including things that are being written exclusively for Patrons. I'm going to use Tags to help readers go and read by individual titles, if they so choose. 

The goal is to get at least 10k of words into the Patreon each week. Some weeks there will be more, occasionally it might be less. I've been doing about 12k words on average every week for the last six months.

There are NOW FIVE levels of patronage. Lemme give you the run down. 

The $3/mo level gets you early access to all my public facing erotic fiction. I'm going to post things to Patreon about a month in advance of when they're be available public. This does NOT include access to the Patreon exclusive long form story that's being posted a chapter or so at a time.

You interested in that? It's just a couple bucks more a month. $6/mo gets you all the erotic fiction I'm doing, from top to bottom, including the Patreon exclusive long form story I'm currently developing. The first one is called "Brewster's Brood" and is a fun play on the Brewster's Millions concept that was written over a hundred years ago. My new take on it is certainly aimed at adults a lot more.

There's a $10 tier that gets you part of the way up, letting you vote on which character you want to see from my stories have a sex scene in a given month, as well as a one-page profile of that character that will only be available to patrons of that level or higher. One vote for Quaranteam and one vote for Brewster's Brood, and one profile for each, every month.

Want to kick in even more? The $15/mo level will let you help guide what it is I'm working on. One week of every month (that's two separate content drops), my 5k+ worth of words will be written in the story that's voted on by $15/mo patrons, and that voting will be done either here or on my Discord, depending on what those patrons feel like works better. The $15 level supporters get two voting windows, one for the early part of the month and one for the latter part, and the same story can't be chosen twice in a month. If you want to see more chapters in your favorite story more often, here's how you make that happen! These votes also help me consider what directions to try with new stories.

Convinced you're insane and want to be a big spender who ensures that I'm writing loads? There is a $30/mo level, for those who feel generous. At that level, you get access to all the other stuff, but you also get a custom 5k words from me each month.  (Update! The $30 level is now a legacy big supporter level and does not include a commissioned work each month for new patrons at that level. If you are interested in a commissioned work from me each month, you need to look at the $75/mo level. What can I say? I'm in demand!)  That can be a tailor-made short story (within limitations) or, if you're interested, I can slowly build a long-form story month by month for you. These stories will eventually be made available to my Patrons if the commissioner's cool with that, but they will be exclusive to the Patron who's commissioned them for at least a few months. Of course, you don't have to share - you can keep a story entirely to yourself if you want, assuming it's something I agree to.

All Patrons get basic access to my Discord, but higher level tiers will get access to additional rooms as needed. There we can discuss commissions, do voting or just generally shoot the shit. There's been lots of speculation about where the stories are going, and I do love to see what people like and don't in the work.

My stories are always up for Patrons several months before they are available elsewhere and some of them may never be available elsewhere! Sound like something you'd be into? C'mon in and join the party! There's killer tunes on the jukebox, the wet bar is stocked and The Writer Is In.


UPDATE: So someone suggested I also have an index of stories that are available, along with a brief capsule summary of each, so here's a list of everything that's available in the Patreon, and there will be a tag for each of them added to the post, so you can simply click on the tag to see all posts in that stream.

Quaranteam - In the middle of a global pandemic, a simple favor done turns into a life changing adventure, as Andrew Rook (aka the writer Blake Conrad) begins to grow a sizable family of women, and gets thrown into a life of luxury and intrigue he never could have imagined. (Easily my biggest story here so far, clocking in at over 300k words and rising, making it bigger than many novels on store shelves.) There are also a number of spinoffs from this story that have been commissioned, including Phil's Tale, Piper's Prelude and the upcoming McCallister's Madness.

If I'm Honest - No good deed goes unpunished. Derrick King is about to learn how true that is, when women begin speaking to him a lot more openly than they ever have before. Life's more complicated when people can't keep secrets from you.

Morgana's Gift - Kevin Bishop was a nearly bankrupt, down on his luck musician in Los Angeles when one night coming home from a gig, he came across an accident and saved a sorceress named Morgana La Fey. She intends to give him a gift back of equal worth to saving her life, the one thing his heart wants most of all... of course he doesn't know what that is.

Brewster's Brood (tier 2 patrons and up only) - Max Brewster doesn't know it, but he's about to become one of the wealthiest men on the planet. His estranged (and unknown to him) grandfather, Mortimer Brand IV, has just passed away, and left everything to Max, but there are conditions to the will. Since Max has no heirs, and is the last of the Brand bloodline, a game has been set up, with 100 women each trying to get Max to knock them up. The more women Max knocks up, the more each woman wins as a trust to take care of their child. But the clock is on, and minimum number of women that have to get pregnant starts at ten and the payouts up the more women that get pregnant. Of course, a condition of the will is that Max can't know about any of this untll the game is up, and the clock has run out. Let the games begin! (This is the Patreon exclusive story that will never be reposted anywhere else, although it may be eventually sold in novel form after completion.) (You can read the first few chapters of this FREE as a try before you buy here - Free sample of Brewster's Brood! | Corrupting Power on Patreon )

The Janus Coins: John's Story - A gift of an ancient Roman coin gives John the ability to pick any two women and make them compete for his love, although the rivalry is always friendly and nobody ever seems hurt by winning or losing. What the hell will John make of this?

The Threadbinders - The dwarvish Threadbinder Arkady and his elvish wife Threatbinder Yasha have been traveling the world atop their gryphon companion Quiesh for centuries, but now they've come across a puzzle they've never even considered - a woman who has multiple threads, which means that she's got multiple perfect soulmates. It's never happened before and the two aren't sure what to make of it.

The Seven Secrets of Mr. Magpie - A down on his luck man is given a mystical gift from a neighbor on the day she moves away, and while he finds he has no control over it, it also isn't too bad.

Before The Storm - Sketch is a man dislodged from time, constantly at move through the stars on an alien ship he barely understands, with an AI who is long past her reset date. If anyone found out what he was, he'd be hunted to extinction, so he stays in eternal motion, always alone. Until a cargo goes sideways and Sketch finds himself being pulled violently from the ashes of the past into the furnace of the future. 

The Silversmith Chronicles - One of the most powerful mages alive, John Silversmith, has lived a long and complicated lifetime that spans centuries, from time at the top of the food chain to times when he's been fleeing for his life and hiding for safety. A series of interconnected one-off stories.



Any chance you could post pdf/txt for the stories posted? Reading through the patreon isn't the best experience.


What would really be great is an epub so I can read on my kindle.


I am on a fix income but I can afford and additional $4.22 a month. Just don't be like other writers and just stop writing without letting us know why or that it is going to happen. That is one reason why I like your weekly updates as well as of course your stories

Corrupting Power

Absolutely. Weekly updates keeps me honest about what I'm capable of each week and lets everyone know what's coming. Thanks!


I want to add a vote for epubs of each story. The pdf of each chapter is not nice to read

Cynthia Parker

search free pdf to epub converter and convert the pdf to epub it's very easy and usually you don't have to download the converter