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Those of you who are members of my Discord probably have noticed I haven't been online basically for more than a few minutes since Saturday. I cobbled together the public submissions last night, but other than that and firing off the most recent Neon Stonehenge, I've barely been online at all.

That's because I have been basically in bed since Saturday, shivering, sneezing and sweating like a madman on an opium detox. (No opium involved, obviously.) It's not Covid, but what it is is the worst sinus cold I've had in a couple of years. I ditched out on pub trivia, I ditched out on my weekly social dinner gathering and I'm even ditching out on my beloved poker night tonight, something that those who know me will know it takes nothing short of an act of God to get me to skip.

The congestion started to break this morning and has started to drain, so I'm hoping I'm starting to be on the other side of this within a couple more days, but I still sound like Kathleen Turner after a four-night bender of cigarettes and tequila slammers (neither of which I had), and trying to keep a series of sequential thoughts in my head is still problematic. So I don't know when the next story update will be, or how many I'm going to miss this month, but it'll be a few, I'm sad to say. I've even nodded off once during writing this update.

I hate missing releases, but last time I was this sick (and that WAS with Covid, if memory serves, which, at this point, I don't trust), y'all told me to take it easy, and so I appreciate your patience once again. I'll be back to entertain you as soon as I can, once I can hold a coherent thought in my head for longer than thirty seconds.  



A bowl of chicken soup... as my Mom - and my wife - always suggest!


Feel better soon