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With Quaranteam 2:25 dropping yesterday, I know a bunch of people are in shock, but all I can tell you is that this has been on the cards for a long time now. When I was on vacation a few months ago and I met face-to-face with the author of QT: 808, I gave him the broad strokes of the coming chapters up to the end of 25, and I remember his exact words. "You're insane; I love it."

I hope you think it lived up to those expectations. The writer's group spent much of the last month or so guessing what was coming, but I kept telling them the same meme, "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling," from Inception.

That of course means there'll be another Intermission before we return to Andy, so keep that in mind. But I've been extremely happy with the last few chapters of QT2 so that's reassuring.

I also dropped QTPT20 which asks a lot of big questions and also leaves Phil in a world of complications. And things are only going to continue to get complicated for the man who just wanted to help save the world.

During the writer's retreat last week, I got a bunch of things started, but I kept jumping between projects, so I'm going to try and finish all the things that are in part way states and get them out to commissioners, as well as working on Before The Storm 11.

I'm still trying to dig myself out of the hole, but I'm working on it, guys, that's all I can tell you. Being creative is a little like panning for gold in a river - you can't guarantee when you'll strike the good stuff. I could turn out half-assed stuff just to make quotas, but I decided when I started this, that I wanted to just put out writing I could stand by. So believe me, I wish I could generate content faster than I do, but I'm trying my damnedest to get better and faster. Your patience is appreciated.

Here's what's coming publicly for the next month or so:  5/4 - Pack 7, Amor Ex Machina 2, 5/11 - QTAA 5, 5/18 - QT2:i5, FG3, 5/25 - MG18, 6/1 - QTAA 6, CARP 7, 6/8 - Captains' Days 1, QT2:17.


Ian B

Really enjoying the stuff coming out lately. Keep it up


Ooh, Part 2 of Amor Ex Machina going public, does that mean we are getting a Part 3 (or is it Chapter 3) on Patreon?


I didn't really consider the reality of all the orphaned children out there due to their built in immunity that they could have lost both of their parents. This is a good point to bring up and I am surprised it has taken this long in the story for it to happen. There are possibly millions of kids without parents out there. IMO they need to be found homes ASAP so they can bond with their new families and hopefully recover from the trauma of losing their parents. This should have priority before pushing everyone to create more children. Do you plan on have Andy and family to adopt some?