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I know they're necessary, but good Lord do taxes blow. I'm STILL working on the next chapter of Morgana's Gift and maybe I'll get it done before I crash tonight, but until then, I've posted the two latest chapters of A Pack Of HIs Own, one for everyone and the most recent one for Alpha readers. We're nearing the end of MG (I think it's going to be only 1-2 more chapters after this one) and I want the ending to land gracefully, so I'm being a lot more critical than usual and haven't been happy with a lot of what I've tried writing. But third time's a charm, and I think I have the path in figured out now.

I'll throw up a poll for the second thing for voters to decide on for the month tomorrow, and it'll run over the weekend.

I'm glad everyone like QT2:24 and special thanks to the QT Writer's Room, especially BreakTheBar, who offered a key bit of advice about what the chapter was missing from the time I wrote it to when you all saw it. And oh man, 2:25 has been in the works for a long time, so all I can tell you is that you are emotionally unprepared for it. Whatever you think I'm going to do, it's both far better and far worse, far more kind and far more cruel... It'll be nice to have that out and in front of people.

Speaking of out and in front of people, QT2:14 hit the public sites over the last few days, which means the New Zealand disaster is now part of the public discourse surrounding the story. Public response has all been very good, although I did get a few notes thanking me for including the warning, which I did simply because of how heavy that chapter is.

I was pleased to see my friends over at The Rookie got renewed for another season, and anything that continues to give Nathan Fillion work is good in mind.

Anyway, more time I'm newsing, less time I'm writing, and I haven't had the chance to go see the new Ghostbusters yet, so not even a whole lot for me to comment on. I should probably also watch the Fallout show soon, but again, time is hard to come by some weeks...



Stop scaring us about QT2:25. Rather not have these crazy images in my head of Piper being killed off because that's totally what's going on in my head right now!!!


Ditto. I can see several characters that I wouldn't want to see gone including Ash. Niko and Fiona.