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Hey there ^^ I'm again on an BorderLands Fan-Art ^^
The last one is very fare ago :D But I really love to come back to another one.
But this time I do not try to much copying the original style, but want to draw it the way I like most ^^ It's great to draw my own style again after those anime Fan-Arts ^^
:D I really like hopping between different ways to draw a picture ^^ I think this is also helping most to under stand things and evolve at drawing!

For now I'm not sure if I lat the face look like it look's ...

22 ->28.09.2021

Hey there  ^^ this one was going through a lot of experiments. on lights and colors.

edite: 29.09.2021
Lines are done now :D most of the lines I really pushed till the end :P
Again I mixed a lot of purple and pic inside the shading and light. :3
Hair is done now I think ^^  

Now her ear is only left and many sweet fixes



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