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:D the name right now is just a  project name ^^' it will get a real one if I finish it for sure :D
:D I totally wanted to draw digital!! ... but I lost my graphic-tablet pen ... so mouse time again ... idk I still often work with mouse! but ...drawing ink ... is pain in the ass.

How ever I wanted a damn bbw crushing tinys combined with a thin one.
and this is what happened so fare

The perspective really cornered me ... but I kinda did it so fare  ... I will see hwo it ends up.
First I got frustrated on that toes ... idk my name is toes and I want em to look good!  ... but mouse is no pencil I guess ...

When I work with pencil I often add shading if I get fucked on lines to figure out what's really the problem on it ... so on this I did the same ... but it'S not the same as with pencils, cause with pencils I can also use it to fix the ink: I move the shading out of the ink and so the ink also get's involved and fixed

how ever after some more fixes I decided to declaim this toe as finished.
:D And I decided to use that 2cnd layer of scribble  for her nail polish, cause this french looking nails k´look great I think ^^

Edit: 07.10.2020
Hey there ^^ I continued on this one ^^ first starting with that really strong stomping squishing foot of the girl in the back. BTW she was the reason I started this one. And the girl I planed first.
I erally felt odd with her toes so I invested some time on fixing ^^
and finally decided to short her foot a bit. 

Then I made my first real lines on the skirt
then her arm and then i started all the big steps on her face
The nose was a big thing for me ... it's just the perspective that makes it so hart.

Edite: 13.10
Hey there ^^ I Worked a lot on the hair this time. I liked it to test my new mouse so much on it <3
and then it was time to finally draw her left harm and go for starting the shading on her body ^^
I liked drawing such a weird hand-pose on PC. Cause :D I way laying in the bed, ma mouse under my duvet and I was able to rise my left hand really high to have a view on it while drawing the fingers :D  such posing would be pain in the ass if I would draw it by pencil :D

:D juts trying to let her big boobs look kinda bouncy :D But I have to think on how to draw the fold on her chest. first I wanted her to have real outlines on the folds ... but I think I will not :D it just interrupts the concept.

Edite: 21.12

hey there ... this one was a while ^^' finally coloured her right leg :3
And I gave her some nice nail-polish. Just like the nail's of my dreams at school time ... gosh those toes where just ... the most beautiful thing still I ever seen!

gosh idk what's wrong with me ... invested nearly 3 full days for that leg  



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