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 all right ^^' I'm a bit late ... but guys
however this is the first page of my two paged comic for the Element Soul contest
... well it was nearly don on the beginning of the last month ..  but well ... the time is what makes the time ^^'
What ever I still love there OC Diamond!
For  sure you guys should take at the Kick-starter page of the original  comic:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/464124037/element-soul-issue-1-2nd-print
well and here is also the link to the contest page: https://forum.deviantart.com/art/general/2334859/

Also  take a look at the colourised ending pic of my comic:  https://toes2x5.deviantart.com/art/ElementSoul-Art-Contest-LVL-Up-from-the-Ground-p2B-704318844?ga_submit_new=10%3A1507740300&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1  

I hop you guys enjoy ;) 



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