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This is a fan-fiction of Lusamine from Pokemon (Nintendo) for  tnyshawk
I Aged her a bit up ;)  
And after a hard and long, long day in the Pokémon world. Where she had to be all the time on her feet. Finally she can rest a bit in a nice Bar. Where she just had ordered her last drink to just chill out a little bit. And letting the day end.
While waiting she just kicked off her hot shoes, so also her tired little feet can have there free time and air out a bit.
Hopefully no one will mind the dimensional smell the is now coming up :O :S
What would she give now for a nice little foot massage! Ti make this evening perfect. But of cause she would never ask for one! She just know how damn smelly end specially sweaty her feet get after such a long day.  She can not expect that anyone would even get close to em :O  



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