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HEY FAM! If you've been keeping track of 90%'s social media you probably know by now that we're A DAY AWAY FROM THE DEMO LAUNCH! To help promote the demo my bro Kenny made a SICK cosplay of Cool Kid Cody!! Fun fact: Cool Kid Cody is somewhat based on Kenny, he was always the cool kid at school, jumpin' on walls and ninja bullshit like that.

Anyway since you're all so nice, I'm gonna go ahead and drop the download link for the 14 high res photos from his photoshoot! 

God I just can't get over those shoes, I just can't, refrain, from making the meme, just wondering what those are 24/7, eRRGHH.

Alrighty I love you all! Also my mom's a patron now hi mom!! <3



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