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Wow hello patrons! I've abandoned Banimation it seems, but in reality I actually haven't! I think about Banimation a lot, and it hurts to think about how I've left everyone hanging, when I really could've just made a post and said "FUCK SCHOOL AUGH JESUS". Thinking about Banimation made me super anxious, but now it's just like DAG I just want to make more animations and rework Banimation into something I can really be proud of. 

Here's a well deserved status update:

* A bunch of redesigned characters!

* A BUNCH of storyboards!

* We got SOME voice acting!

* And a new opening theme by Rogan McAndrews! 

I'm going to think of the last 6 episodes as a sort of test-run. I'm not super happy with Banimation right now. I want it to be a better mix of cute and unsettling. So, I think when school is finally over in May, I'll start working on animations. I'm planning for the newer animations to vary more drastically in range (no more 3-5 minute episodes, I want more freedom in the episodes' timing so they might fall anywhere from 20s to 10 minutes).  

Another important thing: I was thinking of either altering the Banimation Patreon page to include productions by 90% Knuckles; it's a lil studio I've made with friends who help make Banimation as well as other things. On top of that, I'd be changing the Patreon from pay-per-content to pay-per-month due to having a bunch of little animations/content per month as opposed to one big episode per month. I'll make this change before I put out more Banimation-related content. 

I know I only have like, 5 patrons but you guys are cool so if this bothers you at all then please SCREAM AT ME.

Okay thanks.


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