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Wow that's a long title. I'm trying out a new format for sharing scripts and storyboards (It's pretty boring just looking at a script on its own). The script was written before the boards (As it is and will always be I think), so they're kind of off, and vague, and inaccurate! Why did I leave it the way it is? Is it cuz I'm lazy? Ahahah whaaaat no. 

I kinda thought it'd be a bit more telling of the process if I left it as is. The storyboards are far more accurate to what the actual episode will read like (Although I sort of paraphrased the correct dialogue, guess you'll just have to wait until the animatic to know what everyone says for sure). 

I don't know if these boards are all that "educational", but I do know that the entire two panels with Bannie are my favourite. Have a great day everyone and thanks for being patrons!!!!!!!!!


Episode 3 Storyboards.pdf


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