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Hello, Ncrow herererer!

What will you find?

  • 4 New events to spend time with Aoi!
  • 1 New H-Event for Aoi!
  • 4 New events to spend time with Alice!
  • 1 New H-Event for Alice!
  • Changes in the gallery icons!(Goodbye ugly icons!)
  • New patreon rewards.
  • Visual bugs and other things fixed.(Also small changes in the background music.)

With nothing more to contribute:

PC: Mega / Drive 

Mac: Mega / Drive 

Android: Mega / Drive 

Hi there! Yes it's me, the friendly Neighborhood Ncrow!
In this version as you can notice, I dedicated myself to the rewards of patreon and to the events of the pending girls of Sakura Town! (Lucky for Sayori fans, two versions in a row.) (I also cleaned up the game code a bit, and changed the icons that I didn't like.)

I remember when I created the Tiers events was when I first started on patreon, and it was a way to thank the 20 people who supported me in those days!

Now, strategically I had to leave Alice for the end of these events, because more lore is coming! And with Alice, the requirements for the next mission are already fulfilled.
But for those who love animations, don't worry, the next version is about lore and more H events.

So for the next version it would be:
Advance the main mission.
Events for the girls of the main village or maybe continue working in Sakura town, I will see it later. (But maybe it's the girls who haven't had a screen lately.)
Add the task board (Along with this I would add the new fishing zone.)

And in not so high priority: Items in Tomoe's store, quick events, redoing old renders and animations.

I hope you enjoy all the animations and events!

If you find an error, please let me know, really, do it, now.
out. 😉



I never heard of it. Interesting the lewd section is more detailed than the others I have seen so far.


I just updated from an early March version. Did you nerf Mayu's 2nd H scene or is my Droid having issues? The previously animated parts are no longer animated.


I have not touched anything of her events. Black screen or just a static image?