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Helloo, Ncrow speaking!

As you may know, I've still been working on the next version as usual, if all goes well the three ST girls (Aoi, Natsuki, Alice) will get their events in the next version!

A Natsuki event ended up transformed into a simple mini-game because... well, yes. (I was going to do a normal event but I got carried away.)

See these girls? They are background characters, or they were supposed to be, I went overboard on the personalization.
Many more will appear throughout the story, after all, it is a town with many people and adventurers.

Important sneak peek or so I believe.
As soon as the next version is published, I will start working on the Spanish translation (
I don't know how long it will take me to translate everything so I'm just posting this as a heads up.)
Why Spanish? Because it is my language, the first and only thing you will know about me.
An image of the next video to celebrate halloween! 👻Spooky👻

Good animations are coming...

And last but not least, did I really reach the goal of 100 patreons? What just happened, it seems like yesterday when I sat down to program and make animations for a game that I thought was going to be ignored.

I still don't believe it, and basically as the goal says, I will be able to dedicate myself to Goddesses' Whim full time!

I'm very happy that so many people see a future for my game and are here with me to support it!

I hope everyone is doing well <3

#Dev Suffering: You may have noticed a change in the quality of the ....girls' bodies... right? No? Well now you know, they were all upgraded.(Before the breasts, hands, feet ,🐈 and everything in general were squarer, now they are smoother.)

Why is this suffering? The new animations crashed my pc during rendering several times because of this, I will have to upgrade my pc lol.


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