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Silken Dreams in New Jersey - Part 1

Silken Female Domination

My divorce became final today but the marriage had ended years ago.   I was depressed;  always thought there was a chance it wouldn't come to this but it did and now I feel all alone with a three-day weekend staring me in the face.  I decided I needed to be with people so I walked to the bars that were dotted along Washington Street in Hoboken.  Hoboken is very unique because you feel like you can almost reach out across the Hudson and touch the Empire State Building.   NYC is so close but yet Hoboken keeps its own identity.   The bars were packed to start off the long holiday weekend.

I went into one of the more quiet bars and sat down at a stool, ordered myself a beer.   Right away I noticed her sitting in a booth with another woman.  She was dressed in a red satin blouse and a black leather mini-skirt.   I could see the tops of her stockings and at the end of those legs were black stilettos.  I felt my cock stir in my jeans.  It was then I noticed the black scarf tied tightly around her neck and the black and red checkered scarf that tied her brunette hair in a ponytail.  I also noticed an identical scarf tied to her handbag.   My cock grew hard.   I always loved silk and satin and this woman was a walking hard on maker for me.   She caught me staring and I felt my face flush; I quickly turned away.

I had to keep looking at her and stole glances every chance I got.   If I were not so shy and awkward around strangers I would approach her.   As it was I was ingraining her on my brain so later on I could fantasize about her while I jerked off with my best friend a Hermes scarf I kept that was my wife's; a gift from me she never wore.

All of the sudden another beer showed up in front of me.   "What's this?" I asked the bartender.   Its from the brunette in the booth, she says its easier to see her if you sit with her.  I felt my face grow red and my heart start to pound.  Should I flee?  Part of me was telling me to run, but part of me, mostly the penis part of me was telling me to go to her.  Of course the penis won, he seems to always win.

Although the booth was only 15 feet away it seemed to take forever to reach it.  She smiled up at me and extended her hand, "Hi, I'm Susan and you seem to like what you see".  "Are you going to sit?"  I stuttered, "hi, I'm Bob and I would be lying if I told you no". "Have a seat Bob I like what I see too".  I could not believe this could happen to me.

After some minor small talk she asked me if I wanted to come with her to her apartment.  She said her roommate would be away for the whole weekend.  That little voice was telling me to run but the penis knocked the snot out of it and we got up and walked out of the bar.

"You can follow me in your car Bob.  Where are you parked?"  I told her I live close by and was on foot.  She smiled, "great then you can ride with me". We got to her car and she turned and faced me.  "There is one request I have Bob, I don't know you at all for all I know you could be that serial rapist".   I assured her I was not.  "Well then so I can feel safe can I use this scarf to tie your hands behind your back?"  She untied the one from the handbag and held it out waiting for my answer.  I couldn't believe this.  In ten years of marriage I could not get my wife to tie me up once.  Scarf bondage is one of my biggest fantasies. I nodded yes.  "Good boy", she said as she pulled my hands behind me and tightly bound them with the scarf.   "Bob, I also need to blindfold you so you don't know where I live.  Is that OK with you?"  I nodded yes once more as she pulled the scarf out of her hair.  She tied it tightly to my head; everything went black after that.  I could smell her shampoo.  She carefully guided me into her car, which was not easy since I'm rather tall, and her car rather compact.  She purposely brushed her hand over my groin and smiled as she felt it was rock hard.  She knew he was one of those special guys she was looking for.

There were many twists and turns on the drive and I gave up trying to figure out where I was.  Soon she parked along the street and guided me up the flight of stairs to the building entrance.  Then it was up two more flights till we got to her apartment She led me into her apartment and eventually pushed me gently onto a bed.  "Will you trust me Bob?  If you do I promise you a night you will never forget.  You must do everything I tell you to do, if not it ends as soon as you don't obey me.  Understand?"  I nodded yes.  "So Bob are you ready to trust me?"   "Yes", I whispered. 

"Good boy".

She untied my wrist but left the blindfold on.  "Strip!  Everything off and hurry!  Any false moves and you will feel this baseball bat I am holding".  She smiled to herself as she twirled the dildo she was holding in her hand.  Bob took off all his clothes; he found it difficult maintaining his balance while blindfolded.  His erection pleased Susan.  She gently pushed him back on to the bed face up.  She grabbed a wrist and lashed it with a scarf to the brass headboard.  She did the same to his other wrist, his arms spread wide.  She dragged her fingernails lightly over his chest making sure to catch a nipple. She gave his rock hard cock a stroke and Bob moaned in pleasure.  "Oh no we can't have that racket", she said playfully.  She reached up under her leather skirt and pulled down a pair of black satin panties.  She placed them over his head making sure the wet spot on them settled over his nose.  Next she placed several knots in a black silk scarf and tightly gagged him shoving her panties deep into his mouth.  "There that should keep you nice and quiet.  Do you like my scent?"  Bob nodded yes, "good, you will be smelling a lot of that", she laughed. She then grabbed an ankle and tied it to the rail at the foot of the bed.  Grabbing the other ankle she spread his legs wide and tied it in place.

Next she crawled onto the bed between his bound legs and sucked his erect cock into her mouth, twirling her tongue around the head.  He moaned softly into the panty gag.  While still sucking on him she tightly tied a scarf around his ball sack.  Then another silken scarf tightly around the base of his cock.  "Wouldn't want any accidents now would we?"  She stood back and admired her gift-wrapping.  "I'm going to take a quick shower to freshen up and then the fun can start.  Oh my friend here will keep you company while I'm gone".  She slipped a lubed up vibrator into his ass and turned it on.

After her shower she slipped into a black satin robe with a belted sash. She then climbed on top of him and slowly impaled herself on his cock.  She fucked him for all she was worth a came with a big explosion.  She hadn't cum like that in a long time but then it's been awhile since she had a bound man at her disposal.  As she calmed down she noticed he was trembling.  "Aw the poor guy just can't seem to cum".  He whimpered.  It had been a long time since his cock was in a woman and now he needed to cum badly.

She took out one of her silkiest scarves that was well over 7 feet long. She put one end over the head of his cock and slowly began to pull the scarf through her hand and his cock.  The sensation was too much for Bob as his muscles strained against his silken bond.  She laughed as she slowly pulled on the scarf; he screamed into the gag.  By the time she was done his body was covered in sweat and he was breathing heavily through his nose.

"Lets take a little rest.  I'm going to remove your gag but not a peep from you, understand?"  He nodded yes.  The knotted scarf and her panties were soak in his saliva. She went and got him a small glass of water.  He drank it all in one gulp. "I need you to keep up your strength, big boy".

She crawled on top of his chest and inched towards his face.  He smelt her strong scent and felt the heat of her pussy on his face.  She grabbed a hand full of his curly hair and pulled his face into her awaiting pussy.  "What are you waiting for?  Pleasure me with that mouth of yours and if you don't do it well little Bobby may not 'cum' all night!"  He had never licked a girl's pussy before.  His wife found it disgusting. Hell before this night he had never been with another woman other then his wife.  He started licking and she moaned.  It wasn't that he was doing such a hot job with his tongue as much as he was obeying her commands that made her thighs quiver.  Any man can be taught to be a good pussy licker she thought but a man that will follow your orders is gold. She used the fistful of his hair to guide his tongue and in no time she had her second orgasm of the young night.

She dismounted him and slipped her robe off.  She dressed in black stockings and  heels.  Black garter belt with matching black open nipple satin bra.  Next she pulled out her leather strap-on harness with attached 7-inch black dildo.  She then added a black scarf tied tightly around her neck.  And she tied one around her left bicep.  Finally she pulls her hair severely into a ponytail and tied it with a scarf. All scarves were black silk.  She then tied a bright yellow scarf around his neck.  She released him from his bond and grabbed the scarf tied around his balls and pulled.   "Come with me", and she pulled him off the bed and out of the room.   "Stand here and don't move". 

She went back to the bedroom and grabbed a pair of white silk stockings and pink ruffled satin panties.  "Lift your left foot".  She worked the stocking over his toes and up his leg.  She did the same with the right.  Next she put the panties on; they were tight, perfect she thought.  "Kneel".  He knelt and she pushed him over a large ottoman.  She tied his wrists to the legs with scarves then his knees to the back legs. She then tied a pink scarf around his neck.  She shoved a silk pair of panties from her hamper into his mouth and gagged him with a white scarf. 

Then she removed his blindfold and he tried to blink away the darkness. He was facing himself in a big mirror and saw himself in stockings and panties. Then he saw her behind him and he felt his cock grow harder.  He saw her with the black cock protruding from her and his eyes went wide.  "That's right hun, you're looking too good.  I'm going to fuck you all night!"

She slid in behind him and pulled his pink panties down until his back door was exposed.  She nuzzled the tip of her lubed cock against his rosebud. He clenched his sphincter tight trying to keep the offending member from entering.  She leaned over him; he felt her erect nipples on his back.  "Don't fight it lover it will only make it worse.  Relax and enjoy it."  She gently pushed inward.  He gasped through his gag but tried to relax.  Soon her hips made contact with his ass cheeks and she slowly pulled out.  With each thrust she increased her pace until she was pumping him like a jackhammer.  Her thighs and his ass wear slapping together like someone applauding.  God how she loved this and with that thought she had her biggest explosion of the night.  "Damn boy you are one good lay."

She placed the blindfold back on him.  His face was bright red.  She wondered if it was from the actual fucking or the humiliation of watching himself be fucked. She went and downed a diet soda while she just watched him.  She could live out all her fantasies with this man.  A guy like this is hard to find so I don't think he'll be going anywhere too soon.

She grabbed a scarf and ran it slowly across his back.  He reacted to it like she knew he would.  She then ran her fingers over his silk clad bottom giving him goose bumps.  She smacked his ass hard a few times causing him to jump at the pain.  She pulled the panties down and smacked his bare as until it was a nice cherry red.  Then she untied the scarf that was tied around the base of his cock.  She grabbed the scarf that was still binding his balls and mounted him.  "Round two lover boy".  This time she started fucking him hard right away as she pulled on the scarf leash.  Then with scarf in hand she wrapped her fingers around his cock as she still fucked his ass.  A few strokes later Bob was screaming into his gag as he came like never before.  At that moment he would have sworn that he shot his left nut out of his cock.  This triggered her and she laid flat on his back as orgasm number four hit her.

It was getting very late and Susan was feeling very tired and she was sure Bob needed a rest too.  She untied him and removed all the scarves and lingerie from him.  She led him into the bathroom and instructed him to use it wisely then shower and clean himself well.  She went into her bedroom and stripped off her clothes and prepared for the night ahead.  When she heard the shower running she waited a few minutes then slipped quietly into the bathroom. She carefully slid back the shower curtain then hopped in behind him, startling him.  She picked up a bar of soap and soaped up her hands.  She started stroking his now flaccid cock with one soapy hand and at the same time she slipped two soapy fingers deep into his ass.  Bob was hard again in no time.  She then turned him around to face her and handed him the bar of soap.  "Wash me, start here", she pointed to her breasts.  She continued to stroke his erection.  He started soaping her breast and watched her nipples become erect.  "Suck them". His lips encircled one nipple as his hand washed the other.  She moaned her

approval.  He switched hands with the soap and moved his mouth to the other nipple.  This one he took between his teeth and lightly nibbled it. "Oh, that's nice, you bad boy".  She placed her hands on his broad shoulders and pushed down, "kneel for me".  Bob knelt in front of her with the water now cascading over both of them.  "Clean me with your tongue", and she grabbed his wet hair and pulled him into her. He licked slowly and with great care, it pleased her and drove her wild.  As he licked her he was also rubbing the bar of soap up and down her legs and around her tight ass.  Orgasm number 5 snuck up on her and then slowly crept through her entire body.

They finished the shower but she kept him hard the whole time.  After they had dried off she led him by his erection into the bedroom.  "Stand straight, arms at your sides".  She unfolded the largest black scarf he had ever seen.  It looked like it could have been a whole bolt of silk. She started at his ankles and tightly wrapped it around his legs.  She left a small space where his cock and balls were left exposed.  His arms were tightly wrapped to his torso.  When she got to his neck she twisted it and wrapped his head but leaving the face exposed.  He was turned into a silken mummy.  She then took out several hot pink scarves and tied one around his neck.  Another was tied below his shoulders.  One tied at the elbows; one at the wrists, thighs, knees and finally the ankles.  He could not move a muscle.  To her he looked gorgeous.  She pushed him onto the bed and arranged him so he would not fall out of the bed.  She then pulled out a long black silk nightgown with string straps.  It had diagonal hot pink stripes running through it.  A perfect match to mummy Bob.  "Oh no I forgot something".  She pulled out one more pink scarf and blindfolded him.  "There, perfect now".  Bob waited for the gag but it never came.  She then lay next to him and rubbed her hands up and down his body, loving the smoothness of the silk.  Then she climbed up on top of him and slid her pussy to his mouth.  He got busy without being told.  After a few minutes she turned around with her ass facing him and slid back so his nose nuzzled her rosebud and her pussy went to his lips.  He started licking once more.  She lowered her head toward his erect cock and took it between her lips.  She felt him lick harder and faster.  She sucked him harder and used a scarf to rub his balls with it.  She felt him trying to thrust his cock deeper into her mouth.  Soon he exploded into her mouth and that set off her own little explosion.  She dismounted him and turned and faced him.  She leaned over and kissed his lips while snaking her tongue

into his mouth.  She spit his cum into his mouth and smiled as she tied a knotted silk pink gag into place. She made his cock hard once more and tied a scarf around its base and another around his balls.  "Pleasant dreams", she whispered.



Silk Scarf Lover

OMG, what a story!!! I want to be somebody's Bob...


I totally agree with you....this was a wonderfully intense story...with a couple more chapters to go too!!