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There isn't much of a story behind these photos except to say that Peter and I were staying at an amazing Four Seasons Hotel in Newport Beach, California near the holiday season a few years ago.  But on our way to dinner on one of the nights we were there and the hotel had set up their Christmas Tree and Peter wanted a few photos of me for himself as we walked across the street for dinner.  So these are some very real "boyfriend" pics and this is me actually dressed for a date.




Pete taught me very early to make my scarf 4 finger wide when I'd be tying it because as you wear it, it works it's way skinnier and skinnier all night. So you are catching me on the way OUT for our date 🔥💋🔥💋


I take it the scarf was kept on after the date concluded as well!?!?!?!?!


I think I've proven with my photos that it is VERY common for me to wake up wearing my scarves as the dutiful girlfriend I am who knows her man loves me wearing silk for him.