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Vacation Bound - Husband Punished by Wife on a Long Drive - Silky Bondage Abounds


Why are the days just prior to vacation so stressful? It seems every time we are going on vacation my wife and I fight.  Work always seems to get most unbearable right before vacation too.  Our most recent vacation was no exception.  Both the Mrs. and myself were working 12 hour days just so we could go on a three day vacation.

The evening before we were to depart for a three-day vacation on the rocky coast of Maine my wife and I got into an argument over money.  These days money always seems to be tight. In our household my wife is pretty much in charge and that goes for all our money matters too.  I cannot remember when was the last time I saw my pay check.  Our argument ended when I said something I had no right to say and although I apologized immediately, I already knew I was going to get the silent treatment.  All I didn't know was how long she would be angry with me.  I had hoped it would not be the entire vacation.

My wife and I do not have your normal relationship; in fact I have no words to describe it.  She is a very dominant and strong-willed woman.  I am sexually submissive and have a very kinky streak running through me.  She is defiantly the boss in the family although she would never call herself a Domme or Mistress.  Since I am sexually submissive she has become very sexually dominant.  Sex is all about her, which pleases me to no end.  I confided in my wife my sexual likes and fetishes and introduce her to the joys of scarf bondage, strap-ons and spankings.  I do the cooking, dishes, laundry (not the ironing), most of the driving and shopping, I massage her entire body, give her pedicures.  A vanilla couple would probably call us a BDSM couple while a BDSM couple may call us vanilla.

We have been going to Maine every year for the past 20 years.  We always stay at the same hotel, which is made up of very nice individual cabins.  Backing the cabins is a thick grove of pine trees.  A path through these trees leads to the rocky cliffs and the Atlantic Ocean.  At night you can hear the waves crash on the rocks and the distant mournful wail of a foghorn.

We like to start the 6-hour drive to Maine at 1:00 a.m. It is so much easier getting through the traffic of the New Jersey/ New York metropolitan area during this time.  I awoke from a short nap at midnight and took a shower.  When I got out of the shower, my wife was in her shower.  On our bed she had laid out the clothes I was to wear on the trip.  On top of the clothes was an emerald green thong we had purchased from Victoria Secret.  I knew then she was still angry with me.  The thong was the largest size Victoria Secret sells but it was still too small for me.  The material was the silkiest I have ever felt of any woman's panties, but the tightness of the thong and it riding deep into my butt crack will make the drive an extremely uncomfortable one.  I counted my blessings that she had not laid out the butt-plug.

I put the thong on but hesitated to rub my fingers over the silkiness.  Then the polo shirt and jeans followed. I loaded up our large suitcase in the car.  Next came our 'toy bag', which I wondered what she had packed in it.  After loading a few extraneous items, I sat in the car and waited for my wife. It was 12:52 a.m.

At 1:00 on the dot my wife came out the door carrying her oversized pocketbook and secured the front door.  She had something else in her hand but in the darkness I could not make out what it was.

As she entered the car I could see it was several scarves and a pair of her satin panties.

"I am still very angry with you and have decided you need to be punished", she said curtly.

Pulling the panties out of the pile she said, "Open wide".  I did and she stuffed the large satin panties deep into my mouth.  They had a very heavy musky smell to them.

"I wore these to work two days ago and then masturbated with them still on", she said with an evil chuckle.

Next she cleave gagged me very tightly with a red silk scarf shoving the panties even deeper.  I did not protest because I knew it would just make her angrier but I was riddled with fear.  My wife and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum about play in public areas or play where you have a chance of getting caught.  My wife loves to do things to me in a public area and I just feel like I want to wither up and die rather than get caught.

Next came a beige oblong silk scarf, which she tied wide over my mouth, panties and cleave gag.  She then taped a set of bright red paper lips where my mouth was.

"Hands at 9 and 3", she commanded as she pulled out another beige scarf which was one of my favorites because it was 12 inches wide and 70 inches long.  She leaned across my body and started wrapping my left hand to the steering wheel at the 9:00 position.  It was then I first smelled the perfume she had on.  It was the perfume she always wore when we would play and/or have sex.  That scent I associated so much with sex that I start to get erect just from a whiff of it.  I had a problem at work a little while back when a very pretty new co-worker had worn that scent.  It affected me so much, I asked her to stop wearing it due to an allergic reaction I was getting from it.

As she continued to lash my left hand to the wheel I noticed what she was wearing.  Again she dressed to arouse me.  A white silk blouse and leather skirt with black stockings and of course a royal blue and red silk scarf that I knew was a 42-inch square type.  Even before my wife knew me she always loved to wear scarves.  It was what first caught my interest in her.

When she was done with my left hand all I could move was my pinky and I realized I could still operate the turn signals on the car with it.  The rest of my hand and fingers were cocooned in a web of silk to the steering wheel; I could not move any of it.

Next came the sister scarf to tie my right hand to the wheel.  My right hand was totally encased in the almost six foot long scarf so that I could not even move my pinky.  While I sat there being placed in bondage in my driveway I imagined all my neighbors were peering out their windows at us.  This was going to be a long trip.

She turned the key in the ignition and the car came to life.  Next she turned on the lights and waited for me to step on the brake.  She glared at me waiting with her hand on the gearshift that was on the floor between us.  I already felt like the thong was trying to saw through my sphincter.  I finally realized what she was waiting for; I really did not believe she expected me to drive like this.  I placed my foot on the brake and she put the car in reverse.  I gave the car a little gas and we started out of our driveway.  Our trip had begun.

Our trip ended about twenty feet later as I found it impossible to make the turn completely out of the driveway with my hands tied the way they were.  The Mrs. threw the car into park with several expletives erupting from her red lipstick rimmed mouth.

She sat there for a few seconds studying my hands and the wheel and ordered me to turn the wheel left as far as I could go and then right.  Then she untied my right hand.  She then tied one end of the scarf to the wheel at the 3:00 position.  Then she feed about six inches of scarf from the wheel to my wrist and tied the scarf around my wrist.  She then began to wrap my hand like a mummy but leaving my thumb exposed.  With the last bit of scarf she wrapped my thumb separately and tied the end off.  It was like I was wearing a tight fitting mitten.

She threw the car into reverse once more and this time I was able to finish the turn to get out of the driveway although it was not without difficulty.  She put the car in drive.  "Now drive you bastard! And that hand better not touch anything but wheel.  You don't want to piss me off anymore then I am".  I drove to the end of our street and turned right.  Again the turn was hard but doable.

I wove my way through the mostly deserted back roads and eventually came to the New Jersey Turnpike entrance.  For the first time in my life I was glad we had EZ-pass.  It was something I did not want. I always felt it was too much in the direction of 'big brother' but my wife insisted so we have it.  If we did not have EZ-pass there would have been no way I could have used the toll roads bound like this and our trip would have been extremely long to avoid all the toll roads.  I headed north on the turnpike.

I exited the turnpike at exit 11 and jumped on to the Garden State Parkway.  Even at this hour in the morning the parkway was fairly busy but nothing like rush hour.  I started to worry what I would look like if anyone looked my way.  Going through the many toll plazas was nerve racking for me since they are well lit and even with EZ-pass you still have to slow down.

As we passed through the last toll on the parkway, my wife reached into her purse and pulled out one of her favorite toys.  It was a small slim pink vibrator that had just the right pitch to the vibration to send my wife into orgasmic pleasures.  She hikes up her leather skirt and slipped the toy between her black-laced panties.  The vibrator hummed to life and I had a real hard time keeping my eyes on the highway.  My cock started to get hard and strained against the tightness of the thong.  Driving was becoming very difficult to say the least.

My wife is one of the quiet types that don't really make any noise when she cums.  After twenty plus years of marriage however I can tell by her breathing when she has an orgasm.  As her breathing changed and she was cumming my cock grew even harder and sitting in the driver's seat in a thong with a raging hard-on was becoming almost impossible.

After my wife had satisfied herself she took the vibrator and ran it under my nose.  Her juices clung to my mustache hairs and I would smell her scent all the way to Maine.  I didn't think I was going to make it.

The Mrs. glanced over at me and smiled at my growing discomfort.  "Here let me help you with that", she said with an evil grin as she reached for my zipper.  She began to pull my zipper down and ran into trouble, so she started releasing my belt then unbuttoned my jeans.  She then finished working the zipper all the way down revealing a silky emerald green bulge.  I felt like my cock was going to break in half due to the tightness of the thong.  She rubbed the silky bulge with her hand cooing, "poor baby that looks painful".

To my temporary relief she released my erection from its silken prison and also pulled my balls out of the pouch.  She then pulled out a thin pink and lime green scarf that was three feet long.  It was the type of scarf that a lot of young women used as belts nowadays.  She started to wrap the silky material tightly around my balls.  She was cinching the knot as we passed through the Tappan Zee tollbooth.  I prayed to god that I was not speeding enough through the toll for them to send a cop after me.  I don't even remember going over the bridge. It was 2:18 a.m.

She left me alone then for a while because she knew half the time I made the wrong turn when the highway splits up ahead and I find myself heading towards New York City.  I was not going to miss it and cost me more time.  I wanted out of this as soon as I can.

Once I merged on to a nearly deserted route 684, my lovely but evil wife pulled from her purse my stroke scarf.  It is a scarf she used to wear prior to me being in her life.  It's a rose and cream colored scarf made out of some kind of incredible polyester.  I have no idea what the scarf is made of but the feel of it is the best thing I ever rubbed against.  I have never been able to find any other scarf that feels like it does.  When it began to fray my wife gave the scarf to me for those times that I take matters into my own hand.  You see in our house there are two types of scarves, those my wife wears and those we play with and she never mixes the two.

My erection had subsided some as I had navigated my way past 287 and White Plains.  The Mrs. reached over and wrapped the scarf around my semi-erect cock and began to slowly stroke it.  It was not long before I was hard as a rock and ever so slightly shifting my hips to the rhythm of her stroke.  My wife knows me as well as I know her and as I was about to hit the point of no return she stopped.  I whimpered into my gag as she laughed.  "You didn't really think I was going to let you cum, did you?" I pathetically humped the air hoping for a miracle.

The panties stuffed into my mouth had compacted with my saliva giving me a little room in my mouth.  My left elbow was aching since I have not really been able to flex it since we started.  The thong back is still sawing its way through my sphincter.  I was dying to pull it out.  My balls were throbbing due to no relief as much as due to them being bound. I imagined that they were purple, swollen and pulsating.  I was driving through Danbury; it was 2:58 a.m.  Halfway there; I'll never make it.

Every time my erection would start to go down she would stroke it back to life.  Pre-cum had started to leak and some got on her hand. "Ew", she said in mock disgust as she wiped the cum on my face.  Every time she touched my cock I was begging into my gag.  Tears were rolling down my cheeks as we rolled past Hartford.  I truly believed I would go insane before we hit Maine. It was 3:45 a.m.; I was making damn good time.

My wife laid off my cock for a while as I ate up the miles on 84.  Just past Storrs my wife announced that she had to use the little girl's room soon.  I had not thought about that but I guess I could go too.  There was not another rest stop until the Mass. Turnpike.

I worried as we drew within sight of the entrance to the Mass. Pike.  There seemed to be a line waiting to enter in that too well lit toll plaza.  I was sweating from all the stress my body was under and again I thought how I would look to others that might glace my way.  My fears were unfounded as I got up to the toll plaza there was one easy pass lane clogged by a truck but another one was free and clear. In no time I bought the car up to 70 mph and had to start slowing down to enter the turnpike rest stop.  I parked in an empty part of the parking lot and my wife hopped from the car and started walking quickly towards the restaurant and restrooms.  In her right hand she held the car keys and pushed the lock button as she continued to walk.  "No", my mind screamed.  "She can't leave me here!"  I started to cry, I had looked forward to being able to stretch my legs and relieve my bladder.  It was 4:13 a.m.

I got control of myself and began to look around at my surroundings.  What if someone should park near me?  I'm bound to my steering wheel, gagged, wearing women's panties and my cock hanging out for all to see; what a sight I would be.  Just then a state trooper's car pulled into the lot and slowly cruised by me.  I put my head down as far as it would go and squeezed my eyes shut tight. "Please don't stop here", I prayed.  I waited for the tap of a flashlight on my window but it never came. I looked up and there was no trooper car in sight.  I had almost peed myself and now my bowls are much looser too. I saw my wife carrying a bottle of Diet Coke as she walked back to the car.

"Miss me?"  She chuckled as she got back into the car and started it up.  She put it in drive and said, "you better hurry daylight is coming soon".  I gunned the car on to the entrance ramp and headed east on the turnpike. It was 4:28 a.m.

I exited the turnpike at Worcester and got on to route 290.  Through Worcester she started stroking my cock again.  All I could do was whimper, much to her delight.

290 merged into 495, which in turn merged into 95. Traffic was picking up as people made their way into Boston for work.  The Mrs. continued my torture.

Two different thoughts struck terror into me at the same moment as we were crossing into New Hampshire.  One was the lone toll plaza on 95 in New Hampshire did not have EZ-pass and two we were driving on fumes. I needed gas now.  It was 5:11 a.m. as I took the last exit in New Hampshire before the toll.

I pulled into an abandoned gas station passing two others that had activity.  I pulled forward to the pump furthest from the store.  Thank god for self serve.  I sat there and turned to my wife.  "We need gas!  I suppose you think I'll untie you?  Forget it but be sure you will pay for making me pump gas!"

Our car has a release lever that is under my seat.  You need to pull that lever to get at the gas cap.  My wife got out of her side of the car and walk around to my side to open my door.  She bent to reach the lever and pulled it but instead of pumping gas she took my hard cock into her mouth and started to suck.  Talk about pleasure and pain, plus I could see the attendant watching us from the store window.  "Do you folks need any help", his voice boomed over a speaker.  My wife got up and waved him off with a pleasant smile.  She then used her ATM card to start pumping gas into the car.  As she was filling the tank a car pulled into the next series of pumps.  This was too close for comfort.  The guy had a clear shot at me through the car window.  It seemed like forever to fill our tank.  Once done she left me out there in the open, as she went into the store.  I stared at the other car but luckily the guy had no interest in us.  My wife came back out carrying another Diet Coke and got back in the car.  I just sat there and stared at her.  "What? Sorry but I need to wash the penis breath away", she laughed.  She started the car and put it into drive. I headed towards route 1 north and Portsmouth.  It was 5:38 a.m.

My left arm seemed to be numb.  Every inch of my body seemed to be screaming in pain.  Luckily my wife gave my cock a break.  Maybe she felt the distress I was in.  I needed a bathroom, now.

In Portsmouth I picked up 95 again and soon crossed the Piscataqua River into Maine.  We were now cruising past the shopping outlets on the Maine Turnpike.  It was 5:48 a.m.

Right before the first toll plaza we exit the turnpike and go north on route one.  Again my wife lets me alone as we travel up one.  She is too busy seeing what had changed since our last visit.  Soon we turn off one and go on several winding roads till at last we reach the resort compound.

I drive right up to our cabin.  It's the same cabin we always chose.  We have been in all the cabins and this is the one we think is the best. It also happens to be the closest to the water.  We are friends with the owners so we know that they have left us the key under the mat since its 6:15 in the morning and the office will not be open for quite some time.

I sit as patiently as I can waiting for her to untie me.  As tears start welling up in my eyes, she smiles at me and starts to untie my right hand.  "I hope you have learned your lesson", she says sternly as she releases my left hand.  Pain shoots across my chest as I move my left arm.  "Well go on and do what you have to do.  But hurry it up and unload this car".

I get out of the car as quickly as my very stiff body will allow.  I grab hold of my pants to keep them up while I am hanging out and still have a scarf tied around my balls.  I'm still gagged too but I don't care.  I have one thing on my mind and that is to get to the bathroom as soon as possible.  The key is under the mat and I unlock the door and rush to the bathroom.  "You better not cum!"  She shouts as I finally dig the thong from my ass cheeks.

When I come out of the bathroom my wife is standing there with the toy bag in hand.  "Don't just stand there, get the suitcase".

I stare at her for a moment longer and realized she has no intention of removing the gag.  I hurry out to the car and drag the over sized case into the cabin.  We love this cabin. It rustic but has all the conveniences too.  I like it because the furniture and open beams give us many ways in which to tie me.  From the bathroom she shouts, "Strip!"

I quickly remove my clothes, including the dreaded thong.  I am left with the scarf around my balls and the gag.  My wife comes out of the bathroom wearing her black leather open breast bustier, black stockings and her Terra Firma harness with her new Feeldoe attached.  She is carrying several scarves too.

She grabs me by my hair and bends me over the foot of the bed.  My arms are roughly pulled behind me and tied tightly in place by a scarf.  She kicks my legs apart to spread them wide then ties my ankles to their respective foot posts.  She had already lubed the dildo and just violently enters my ass with it. It hurt like hell and I screamed into my gag.  Don't get me wrong, I'm no virgin when it comes to being a bend over husband but the hours of the thong cutting into me left the backdoor raw.  So though it was all pleasure as she pounded me.  Her hips slapping at my ass cheeks.  I could tell she was close to cumming.  She reached between my legs and with her still lubed hand started to stroke my rock hard staff.  We both came at the same time.  I was screaming into my gag as my wife continued to milk every ounce out of me.

"That's for making me pump gas you bastard!"

I make a mental note to have her pump more gas.

What a way to start a vacation!


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