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We were in Washington D.C. and I was waiting for Peter to finally get back from working since we had planned to shoot some photos and maybe a video later that evening.

I'd already showered and gotten all my makeup done as well as putting on the silk nightie I had picked for the evening and a gorgeous Paloma Picasso scarf that went with the nightie perfectly.  I honestly love my collection of Paloma Picasso scarves and it is absolutely one of my favorite designers.

Since I thought I had time for a little catnap while I waited since I'd also laid out all the other scarves we'd be using for taking some bondage photos so I laid down on the hotel bed and drifted off to dreamland pretty quickly.  Peter told me he'd have a little surprise for me when he got back though....I hope the surprise is something exciting!!!



Jake Sully

Damn exciting, what was this vid after ? « Scarf love »? ❤️


This is a VERY odd reply Jake, but I honestly can't remember if we shot any video that day. It is difficult to even imagine how many thousands of photos we took over the years and definitely well over 100 videos too. We have content on 20 different hard drives it seems.