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My sweet friend and super-fan John wrote me after he logged onto Patreon via his phone and saw a photo of me in a GORGEOUS lime green Hermes headscarf getting very close to kissing a blindfolded Peter (blindfolded with a Gucci scarf by the way).

The storyline is that I'm a wealthy single woman living in a luxury condo building and Peter is a neighbor down the hall who has always made sure to wave and say hello to me and one day in the community room he admitted how amazing he thought it was that I almost always have a stunning scarf on.  He told me the story of his childhood and how his mother's friends would wear scarves regularly as well in offices and even church.  Finally, one day I was having trouble with my TV and asked him in the hallway if he was handy enough to help me.

After getting my TV working he told me he had always hoped one of his mother's friends might make him a candidate to volunteer to submit to this powerful, scarf wearing woman and how it was one of his favorite childhood sexual fantasies, but of course it never came true.

I asked him if he'd really be willing to do ANYTHING that I might ask of him and he instantly said "YES!"  I began his long awaited adventure as the silk scarf slave for a powerful woman who wants a man waiting on her hand and foot.


You might also recognize this Gucci scarf as the same one I was wearing in Beverly Hills a couple of photo sets ago.
Just one more photo I found of me wearing the same Hermes as a neckscarf on a date night with Peter in Bermuda a few years ago.



great series ... i like that classic scarf design much. exactly how i love it to see. the pics where you look a bit severe are brilliant!


I do like myself in a headscarf because I am always in the Dominant position and wearing a headscarf gets me into that sort of mood very quickly.