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In my most previous post to this one, I'd shared with you some of the nightie and scarf combos that I love to wear for Peter in just our personal time together.  These photos were taken by Peter in Grand Cayman where we go often because business brings him to the island often for many years now.  THIS is the outfit I actually wore to bed for bedtime (though we might have done more than just sleeping in bed that night) and Peter started taking photos while I was still waking up.  So if you ever wondered what it would be like to wake up in bed next to me in the morning...this is what I'll look like for you  😘

ADDITION: A friend here on Patreon to ask me if I actually sleep with my neckscarf on and my answer was no only a very enthusiastic YES but I absolutely love the feeling of the silk tied snug around my neck...it make me constantly wet.



Silk Scarf Lover

The scarves on the pillow next to your head say that there was everything... 😉👿🥰