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We receive plenty of fan mail but it is always pretty amazing to us when it's the women who are crazy fans of our work. We've been told that it's the erotic nature of our love of scarves and that while lots of women love scarves and bondage...it is a turn off that so much bondage themed work often has a violent or non-romantic nature associated with it.

Both Damara and her husband were huge fans of our work and they wrote us many messages requesting that Damara might be able to get some BoundErotica style photos and videos. To prove they were serious about it, they began sending us many photos of Damara wearing her collection of scarves in an assortment of different styles and we were immediately in love with her.

So you've gotten a sample of her love of scarves and what do you think? Did we invite her to join our BoundErotica family pretty quickly or not after such a silky audition? 😘😘😘



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