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This was an amazing trip to Paris for everything it has to offer.  Wonderful food.  Beautiful sights.  And the home of my all-time favorite scarf maker...Hermes.  So I couldn't wait to visit the Hermes flagship store to add to my already outrageous collection.

We had to get out early every day to enjoy something that was just freshly baked goodies and some morning coffee and then if would be off to a museum or just wandering around Paris where there is always some beautiful sights to enjoy even in some light rain that fell a couple of the days.

As we were walking through a residential neighborhood we came across the Porn Store you can see me in front of in a couple of the photos, but we couldn't resist going in to see if they were actually showing any of our videos in their booths, or selling them in DVD form.

I am really looking to go back to beautiful city of Paris again sometime very soon to see the reopened Notre Dame along with all that might change because of them being host to the 2024 Olympics.




Scarf around the turtle neck... nice look.. never thought about that.... nice and snug!


I have other photo series with the scarf tied on the outside of my turtleneck (something Peter taught me about) yet to come JWS so stayed tuned 🔥🔥🔥