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You've heard a bit of this in the Patreon Reveal video, full version here!

I have to fix a lot of details in here so I can release it, what do you guys think?



Considering black 2 was the first game i ever played. Id say it pretty good. Its up to you. I also like the background guitar theme at 54sec and that constant drum beat is quite nice


This composition is rly good, the drums transmits the subway atmosphere pretty well, and we feel the B&W atmosphere 🚊


Even though I played through BW at least 3 times and through BW2 each once I never played more than like 5 battles in the battle subway lmao. I even have the black trainer card (like having 5 stars) in Black 2


The section between 0:02 and 0:10 felt a little too empty, but the rest of it is great! The Bede Car Sound Effect™ works great for this track. The transition at 0:51 could possibly use a little bit of beefing up; it kind of just… happens. The gated synth chords starting at 1:03 are awesome; I've always loved that section of the track, and you pull it off masterfully. Unfortunately, the section from 1:33 to 1:43 was my favorite part in this track, and the melody is missing in your version. Is that something you're going to add later? This is one of my favorite trainer battle themes (beaten out only by the HGSS Kanto Trainer theme and the SuMo Trainer theme). So far, you've done it some great justice. There are points of missing melody, and some transitions could be a bit more impactful. But as of right now, I'd give this rearrangement the rank of "A 20 Win Streak in the Doubles Train".


@DragonAirazel yeah, this is the super early version, as I said in the post I gotta fix a lot of things in here, don't worry, "this is not even its final form"