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Awesome art!! I do wonder if she likes dicks tho, you'd think she isn't interested in anything that isn't Edelgard's pussy 🤣


Comparing the sketch to the finished piece, I cannot but feel somewhat disappointed. Please don't take this too harshly, Dann. I will try to explain as best as possible where my frustration stems from. 🔍 Firstly, let me point out where I think you truly succeeded. With Monica you managed to portray a believable and (therefore) attractive body type. She is not skinny, neither is she overly busty. She has a regular and healthy figure and put her charm to good use. I find the angle and her pose to be very effective for making her as alluring as possible. It is done in a very natural way. I commend you for that and would love to see more in this style. 🥰 However, I sense a somewhat big discrepancy between the sketch and the colored picture. I really love your line work. It's super clean and it instantly captures the essence of the character. I felt that with Monica, too. Your drawing of her was very faithful, yet still adapted to your style and had a great aura surrounding it. The finished piece on the other hand lacks this kind of impact for me. 🤔 I tried to reason why that might be and came to the conclusion that it must have to do with the way her face was colored or shaded in particular. For example, giving her eyelashes this red glow makes them blend too much with their surroundings. Obscuring her right ear almost completely also adds to this feeling of not being able to make out her (facial) features all that well. Because of the lighting, her hair lacks substantial depth, which makes her head look rather plain. Also there is weirdly a lot more emphasis on sweat and saliva than anything else. I find that to be pretty distracting in this case. 😔 Or to summarize all of this: Her face doesn't stand out as much anymore as it has in the sketch. The colors kind of sullied its impact for me. I hope you can view this objectively and understand why I feel this way. I was really pumped for the finished piece after seeing the sketch and anticipated this to be one of my new favorites. But alas, it didn't quite turn out this way. Maybe my perspective on this helps in making your work ever better. 😇


Thanks for the constructive criticism cinnamon, i will take note of these :)