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A Patreon Tier Vcommission, Commissioned as a sequel to a Patreon reward I did with Three Hopes Edelgard https://www.patreon.com/posts/fire-emblem-7-my-63697353 , featuring F!Byleth suffering the same fate as Edelgard is: Surrounded and with no hope in sight. Despair merely on the horizon




Oh damn. I didn't expect this to become a series now, but I really can't complain. I feel like the "ugly bastard"-ness of the dudes could be toned down some, but maybe the commissioner wanted it this way. Curious as to what might come next. No hope Hilda with her new design maybe? 👀


I can't tell if the guy Byleth's riding just is holding her arms at an odd angle or has genuine mantits.