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Announcement before the Year Ends:

Basically, My twitter got rekt on the day before the Christmas Eve. I found out someone or somebody in a ROBLOX community targeted me so they twitter bombed my profile and they made their way to suspend my account lol because of the lewd content I'm posting there. It doesn't make any sense because there are Thousands of people just like my account, posting p*rn and sh*t. These sn**f*akes didn't chill that day. 

That's why Twitter made a stupid decision and promptly suspended my account, the reason being my: cover photo/profile header being suggestive and *BAM* my ass got banned permanently without being given a warning. What kind of world are we living rn for such things to happen so suddenly. I'm hoping I can still recover my account soon.


This is the 2nd time Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates wins the poll guys. Give her some love since this will be the last artwork of mine this 2021~!

Anyways, Look forward to her tomorrow!

Don't forget to visit my other Art accounts:

DevArt | Twitter | Pixiv | Reddit | Facebook

And as always, Keep safe and Stay Covid-free this 2022!




Ugh, what was that guy's problem? Sorry to hear that. And good luck with Twitter support, a popular artist got their account suspended for no good reason and that suspension got lifted 8+ months later.


The Roblox Community part is amazing enough as it is, but that Twitter will ban you while Jack Murphy gets to stay up is peak clown world. I'd recommend getting a Newgrounds account and uploading your stuff there and to boorus/R34 too - unlike with reddit and twitter you won't be banned for insane reasons and it should be easier to grow an audience there.


You can actually found out yourselves who flagged dannex in twitter by searching “dannex009”, the prick was practically boasting he was responsible for getting the account suspended.


Actually searched it, the guy’s name in twitter is @NikolayGold1. Man seems so against dannex in particular looking at his tweets.