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*Only a limit of 5 characters per series can only be in the poll. Example being that only 5 characters in Fire Emblem/ Genshin Impact/etc can be in the poll every week. This is to make sure 1 series does not overwhelm the entire poll and other nominees. This is to ensure that all nominees have a fair chance of being in the poll and voted for.

* I will remove the lowest character vote counts in the following week. Regarding the 5 or less characters under one series, the lowest 2 vote counts will be removed per series alongside other 4 characters that will be removed if they have the lowest vote counts that aren't part of multiple nominees under one series. So place your votes wisely!*

* A character who recently won cannot be nominated until 4 months have passed since they won. Be sure to also be reminded that alternate versions of such characters are included in this rule*

This may be subject to change depending on the situation in the foreseeable future.

And I thank you for the suggestions/opinions. They matter to me as I try to make your experiences here worth your money.  Cheers!




I think these are good changes. As much as I absolutely adore Fire Emblem waifus, they tend to dominate every other character. More variety can’t hurt!


I think these are a good compromise that doesn't sound too restrictive or unfair for one series. Looking forward to what this will bring to the table in the future!


I’m fine with all of these changes except the limit on the number of characters from a series. If 3 or more characters are requested in a week, how do you decide which of those characters get in the poll? It’s also possible that you could have characters that would end up winning eventually removed from the poll because they happen to be behind 3 other characters that are more popular. That rule feels unfair towards characters from more popular franchises.


Removing characters per series makes no sense. That's only punishing popular series and artificially changing half the poll every week. Seems absurd to me.


Prefer these changes despite my own love to see more FE girls drawn, there will come a time people who loves FE will have to shift focus or preference and this might give a chance for others to shine as well.


I’m curious as to how the characters will get nominated in the poll. It doesn’t feel too restrictive since the winners can’t be nominated for another 4 months giving a good chance for characters in the same series to get a win. I mean it’s either that or have your pick stuck in limbo for half a year before getting nominated or eliminated. I could definitely be wrong though, just my two cents


Might I add that when it comes to fire Emblem that it’s based on the game rather than the series as a whole? Awakening, Fates and 3 Houses tend to have more characters on the list. Heroes in contrast rarely wins and no one asks for the other games due to lack of waifu status (Tellius is for the gays anyway). This way only the current games will get affected and older Fire Emblem still had a chance.