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* What anime/game character do you want to see next? Vote now! The one with the most vote will be my next priority.

* Feel free to message me if you're a $5 , $10, and $30 patron and ill include them next week.

Ex. [Name of the Character] from [Title of Anime or Game]

* For the Tied vote characters, i will pick the one who's on the top of the poll.

* I will to remove the lowest character vote counts next week. 4 characters maximum will be remove as long as they have the same lowest votes. So choose wisely guys.

* You can recommend a character who won the Weekly poll  after 3 months.

End of voting : Thursday @ 12am UTC +8:00 Singapore

No limit for the votes so you can vote everything.

No Under-aged shit guys :)



Oh Hilda already on there? Rip anyone else this week. Man, would be cool if there was a double whammy with Marianne 😂


Azura winning over Hilda would be a miracle , but one I’d be most appreciative of


Common Azura!!! You can do it!!!


I'm switching my vote from DMG to Azura just to put it one away from Hilda. I'm sick of 3H girls.


Kawasaki being removed is depression 🙃F to all the 12 pointers